More than one faust node = one not compiling and running properly
So I havent tried this in a compiled DLL yet, but if I have a scriptnode network with two core.faust nodes then when I load it one of them doesn't work until I recompile the faust that at all normal?
L Lindon referenced this topic on
@Lindon Sorry no idea here, not too much in the internal of HISE/Faust integration anymore.
@sletz Ok thanks anyway.... @Christoph-Hart ?
@Lindon I've certainly had more than one Faust node, both serial and parallel, in a Scriptnode network and had them functioning without issue. So I don't think this is normal.
Are you referring to the Faust filters? I have set up a large selection of them (upwards of 10) in a network before and didn't experience issues with the compilation.
@HISEnberg said in More than one faust node = one not compiling and running properly:
@Lindon I've certainly had more than one Faust node, both serial and parallel, in a Scriptnode network and had them functioning without issue. So I don't think this is normal.
Are you referring to the Faust filters? I have set up a large selection of them (upwards of 10) in a network before and didn't experience issues with the compilation.
nope theses are not faust filters, they a pitch warping node and a reverb node, .....
@Lindon Do you have a snippet?
The only other time I have had this behaviour was when there was a shared macro control between two different Faust nodes. So say you attached something like a tempoSync node to both the pitch shifter and reverb, yet they have a different range/stepSize.
@HISEnberg no that aint it, and I've had other networks that feature many many more faust nodes than this one - in the end i solved it by combining the code into one faust module (they were running in series anyway...)
@Lindon As long as it works, glad to hear!