Solved "How to make only image shape clickable on a button in HISE?"
Hi everyone ;)
I'm trying to make each button clickable but only in the coloured shape, because the square shape of hise buttons causes clickable areas to overlap. Any Idea? -
@marcrex Use a panel instead of a button, or use multiple buttons with laf to style them.
@d-healey yeah that sounds like an evening with a glass of red wine, the mouse callback of a ScriptPanel and some good old trigonometry...
@Christoph-Hart I was shy to bring trigo on the table, thinking, "Well, Chris'll come with a shiny CSS trick of his own"
Pythagoras's not dead !
@ustk nah, that's a circle and you need to calculate angles this time for real :)
All right let's play with trigonometry then
Thank you guys -
@marcrex definitely do-able