Latest HISE Build, anyone?
Hi guys,
I am having troubles compiling HISE. I followed the video instructions, but I am getting a bunch of errors in VS2017.
The latest official build by Christoph is almost a year old.I was wondering if somebody has been successful in compiling a more recent release and that would be willing to share it here?
Thank you!
Goran -
@gorangrooves Even if someone shares it you will still need the correct compile environment set up to build your plugins, so I recommend you get it working now before you start building instruments. Do a forum search, there are plenty of other guys who've had some issues getting started with compiling HISE and one of those threads might have the answer you need.
@d-healey Thanks for your response.
If an older version is posted, I don't understand why it would it bad to have a newer version. Are you saying that if I can't compile the HISE sampler with the current configuration, I won't be able to compile any plugins created with HISE? -
Are you saying that if I can't compile the HISE sampler with the current configuration, I won't be able to compile any plugins created with HISE?
Hi @gorangrooves ,
I think there's a problem with building from the latest, I tried from the develop branch on my laptop today, had errors and wouldn't complete. Had a previous version from last week that built ok. Put a link to it below, hope it helps!
Yes I fucked up the macOS compilation because I went crazy with weird metatemplate programming. I‘ll commit the fix in a few minutes.
@christoph-hart I try it it gave me some error
does develop compiled in Ubuntu? I've had problems with the master branch, which was solved by going to the elder commit from 2017...
@duno Thank you so much! I hope I will have an opportunity to repay your kindness.
If I manage to compile HISE, I shall post it here.
@gorangrooves No probs, hope it works!