Sometimes Hise is not saving properly the project archive or xml
@Christoph-Hart HISE says the file was saved but when I reopen the file the changes aren't there - only sometimes they are (yes, it's one of those lovely intermittent problems). I found if I hold the file open separately in a text editor as I'm resaving I just keep checking to make sure the values are written before I close HISE.
I haven't been able to recreate the issue reliably.
@d-healey this happens to me too, seems quite random.
@mehmethand In
there will be a UIData folder. Check in there and see if you have two xml files. There should only be one. In my case I think this is the cause of the problem. I changed my project's name at some point which I think caused this. -
Was this ever solved?
I'm running a very recent githash 68611b16 version of Hise
I've been working on a project for months with no problems and then suddenly today this just started happening. I have no idea what caused it to happen.
Hise does not save it's .js files anymore. I make a change, save it in hise, reopen and my change is gone. Never saved. If I check an external editor Hise is simply not saving the file when it says it is.
@d-healey I checked in the XmlPresetBackups folder and I had projectname.xml and projectname.xmlBK in both the XmlPresetBackups and projectnameUIData subfolder. Removing the .xmlBK did nothing for this problem.
@whoopsydoodle Included scripts are saved when you compile them, have you been doing that?
@d-healey yesterday I lost changes made on a external .js
Im using git to commit small changes and check since
Dont know if its related -
@hisefilo Were you editing inside HISE or in an external editor? Was the script added as an include or attached as an external script to a MIDI processor?
@d-healey internal HISE editor. Js file was included on Interface
@hisefilo Did you compile the script after making your changes?
@d-healey Yes. I just tried to reproduce it without luck
@d-healey I have A LOT of .xml on that project. Some times it stop opening them. Solution I've found is to move xmls and UIData to an "old" folders to clean XmlPresetBackups folder.
@hisefilo said in Sometimes Hise is not saving properly the project archive or xml:
I have A LOT of .xml on that project.
1 xml per project
git for managing different versions
.hip for little test patches. -
@d-healey got it! I'm completely aware of my bad practices
@d-healey I guess I won a beer! Figured out the glitch.
External .js wont save if you are editing it in a "NEW TAB" even if you save the xml
To reproduce:
1 Create an external .js
2 Include it
3 Create a new view and select the .js
4 Edit it.
5 Save the xml
6 Close HISE....and you 5 hs of coding will be gone
(gif of a tiny cartoon pony dancing)
@hisefilo You missed step 4.5 hit compile. I work with 8 editor tabs open all the time so I don't think that can be the cause.
@d-healey yes you are right. Then maybe my previous glitch was just that!
@d-healey ok this is super strange.
The save function in Hise no longer saves any of my included .js files. But the compile button does.
@whoopsydoodle It's always been that way.
@d-healey nfw. I've been using it for months and never realized that?? brain explode.
@whoopsydoodle I think most of the time we don't notice because we tend to automatically hit f5 after writing some code before we save.