Arp note to high / low
When I use the arpeggiator and the note is outside the range of 0-127, I get the following error message via the console: “ArpSynthGrp1:! Note number must be between 0 and 127”.
Is there a way to retrieve this message and communicate it to the user?
Thank you very much
Oli -
@Oli-Ullmann I think you could make something like this inside onNoteOn()
function onNoteOn() { var note = Message.getNoteNumber(); if (note < 0 || note > 127) { Engine.showMessageBox("Invalid Note", "Note number must be between 0 and 127.", 0); } }
For some reason, getNoteNumber only shows me up to 120, but maybe it's because of my keyboard.
@bendurso Oh yes, of course! Simple solution! Thank you! :-)