How many Samplers
Quick question as I didn't find it anywhere in the forum or there any limit to how many samplers you can have in a plugin? And does that hurt loading time or script compiling in anyway? Im experimenting with utilizing a different sample on each note of the keyboard...but I need to be able to put each sample for each note in a different sampler because of how I need the envelopes to effect each note differently...need to know of any issues I might run into having like 88 samplers in one project lol
Generally you want as few as possible. But if you're only doing one note per sampler then I guess you could reduce the voice count to 2 for each one and maybe your project won't blow up with 88. Try it and report back.
If you're using an ADSR envelope then the envelope is calculate for each note at the start of the note, so maybe you don't need so many samplers.
88 samplers sound super inefficient so I would rather try to make one envelope fit all notes.
I have a project that uses 48 samplers and well over 100 modules. It's very slow to work on, especially anything within the module tree. Bit of a pain really, compiles okay though.
Is there anyway to do midi note detection in scriptnode? If so, then you might use a clone container for your envelopes.
Or if you don't mind loosing UI control, you could use the per-note envelopes in the sample editor..
@modularsamples Why so many samplers?
@d-healey Vector synthesis with polyphonic x-fade. I'm using your round robin script (ta very much) to cycle between 6 groups of 8 samplers.
@modularsamples you know you can also define multiple groups to work with both XFade and RR within a single sampler?
@Christoph-Hart I had no idea, that's a very cool feature! Wouldn't work in this case though as the sample map in each layer is selected from the UI each with separate controls.