How to resize the interface?
I'm trying to get the interface to resize with a button callback.
So far, I've tried Content.makeFrontInterface on an if statement, which only works after recompiling. Also tried Content.setHeight(), but upon clicking the callback button, HISE crashes. refreshInterface only works with samplers and this is a wavetable based instrument.lil' help?
What else can I use?/* -------------------------------------- EXTRAS PANEL -------------------------------------- */ const var EXTRAS_BTN = Content.getComponent("EXTRAS_BTN"); inline function onEXTRAS_BTNControl(component, value) { Console.print(EXTRAS_BTN.getValue()); if (EXTRAS_BTN.getValue() == 0) { Content.setHeight(400); } if (EXTRAS_BTN.getValue() == 1) { Content.setHeight(700); }
This will scale the UI. You can't change the width/height though.
@d-healey Thanks David,
The issue is that setZoomLevel, changes size of everything. I'm looking to open up the interface to show a hidden panel that exist outside the bounds of the initial interface. So I need the interface to give me more space, at its normal zoom level. -
I'm looking to open up the interface to show a hidden panel
This isn't possible.
@d-healey :confounded_face:
Thanks anyway.
Although I know it's not possible to change the front interface w/h, I really wonder why it would be so dangerous to do.
Perhaps allowing it to change after init wouldn't be so dramatic after all... Or is there a specific limitation that prevents to change the size after init, @Christoph-Hart ? -
@ustk I think it's just a big painful job for Christoph to implement... That's what it sounded like when I asked him a while back
It would be useful to show a keyboard for example.