Someone to Compile on Windows For Me
@d-healey makes sense...your tutorials have been helpful...ill sit down today and take a look at it and see...
@johnmike And if you need any help just ask, we'll get you up and running!
@d-healey ok got Hise up and running on my windows PC...loaded up the project file...everything is working fine in HISE...when I export however it exports as a .VST3 instead of a .DLL can I make it export as a .dll?
@johnmike You need to add the VST2 SDK but if you haven't signed an VST2 agreement in the past you're not allowed to distribute VST2 plugins.
Why do you want a VST2?
@Christoph-Hart I can't get the VST3 to read in Studio One for some reason...but the .dll files I have work fine
trying to figure out what im doing wrong over here lol...
@johnmike VST3s have the .vst3 extension.
@d-healey Right...I know that...I guess this is where the "debugging" and all that comes in...cause for some reason my VST3 exports aren't reading in the DAW...Ill keep tinkering around
@johnmike Try multiple DAWs (especially Reaper).
@d-healey Reaper got me closer! it actually opened up! gotta figure out why it isn't opening in Studio One Specifically...Thanks a lot!
@johnmike This tool might help as well -
@d-healey this a plugin testing tool of some sorts?
@johnmike Yes
I will be happy to Compile Windows Plugins VST3 and .dll. If you @johnmike need let me know.
Googling Studio ONE + VST3 yields this:
Can Studio One load VST3 from a different folder than the default? - Questions & Answers | PreSonus
On a PC, Studio One 4.5 does not see VST3s that aren't installed to the default "C:\Program Files\ ... too hard to make it work in Studio One as well.
Try putting the vst3 in the default folder.
@Christoph-Hart Exactly... I use Studio One & Live 11 for my Trance music production. I have no issue with .VST3 for Studio One
@Christoph-Hart tried that....still not working for some reason...working fine in Reaper and Ableton tho...I Put it in the same folder as the HISE VST...HISE Loads fine...wont read mine...gonna keep tinkering around...Im sure it's something simple im always is...
@johnmike Make a new project, add a sinewave generator and an on screen keyboard. Export it as a VST3 and try and load it into various DAWs. If it works then the problem is with your plugin, if it doesn't work then the problem is in some other part of your workflow.
@johnmike Where are you placing your VST3 plugin?
@d-healey will try this in a few...Great idea...didnt think about that...