'unable to open file stdfaust.lib'
@Christoph-Hart Thanks, it works properly.
I've been copy and pasting your reverb code. The tutorial for libraries implementation are in the Faust web ?
Because on the website library I'm only seeing stuff like this:
@Sawer @Christoph-Hart getting Error
Interface:! Line 2, column 7: This expression is not a function!
I have installed FAUST in the default
C:\Program Files\Faust
What am I doing wrong ? -
@DabDab You're putting faust code in a HiseScript file :)
same Error Sir.
@DabDab Now you've put it in a different HiseScript file. But you're getting closer, it's at the FX script at least :)
You need to add a Faust Editor:
- add a new tab
- right click and choose Faust Editor
- click on the workspace button of the FX again (only once, from now on it will follow the selection)
- click on the workspace button of the faust node, then it will show the content in the faust editor (you should see a dummy faust template in the editor).
@Christoph-Hart Ahhaaa.. got it. Thank you so much. now How can I compile FAUST code from Online FAUST EDITOR
import("stdfaust.lib"); ctFreq = 500; q = 5; gain = 1; process = fi.resonlp(ctFreq,q,gain,no.noise);
There is no Compile Button on Faust Editor.
Another code copied from FAUST site
declare name "freeverb"; declare version "0.0"; declare author "RM"; declare description "Freeverb demo application."; import("stdfaust.lib"); process = dm.freeverb_demo;
How to get it working in HISE? no Parameter. Nothing is showing.
@Sawer Take a look at Faust Tutorials . There are also a bunch of video Tutorials i think, just google for it
@DabDab Did you hit the compile button on the core.faust node after saving the code?
@toxonic I did not get compile button, where it is? instead do I need to hit F5?
how can I turn any FAUST example code to HISE friendly? I mean FAUST example code is not working on HISE. What do I need to do?
@DabDab it the button with the two arrows on the core.faust node itself
@toxonic Great got it. now please help me to convert any FAUST Example code to HISE friendly so that it work inside it.
@DabDab Add parameters to the DSP network container and connect them to the faust node. Then you can enable compilation in the DSP network properties and compile the network via Export menu in hise -》Export DSP network as DLL. After compilation and restarting hise, you can load the Network into a hardcoded master fx module.
@toxonic Ok.
Actually my point was How to get FAUST code that will work in HISE. I have go a code from build simple UI from a FAUST Tutorials.import("stdfaust.lib"); ctFreq = hslider("[0]cutoffFrequency",500,50,10000,0.01) : si.smoo; q = hslider("[1]q",5,1,30,0.1) : si.smoo; gain = hslider("[2]gain",1,0,1,0.01) : si.smoo; t = button("[3]gate") : si.smoo; process = no.noise : fi.resonlp(ctFreq,q,gain)*t <: dm.zita_rev1;
But this is showing this error.
Take a look at the error message. Your Faust code is assuming monophonic signal but the node expects a stereo signal.
In my case, I'm not receiving any errors, but nothing is happening.
Still wondering what is the case... the faust path is correct, I'm coding on the Faust editor, and the compilation works but without any form of graphical output change in the scriptnode.Please do not mind the file name, just copy and paste the code on this thread to actually see if the error was also happening on my end. Which is not.
- Recompile HISE, I've added a compile toolbar at the bottom of the faust editor in the last commits
- Remove the
stuff from the parameter, this might mess with the detection of parameters (I'm not too deep into Faust, but I think this syntax applies some metadata to the parameter which might not be processed correctly by HISE). - Try "Rebuild Faust parameters" from the context menu of the faust node.
@Christoph-Hart Ok thanks. Another note:
When I paste the desired code in the editor and I click the button shown below in the image, everything resets to importing the library and processing... Am I not saving in the correct way?
Yes, if you don't press F5 (or click on the Compile button in the new HISE version), the changes will not be saved to disk.
@DabDab and @Christoph-Hart This is strange though, bacause the code has stereo out (indicated by the signal split "<:" to the zita reverb in the "process" line.
I tried the code on my machine and it works without issues.
PS: I prefer to use an external editor, so don't care about strange look... -
@toxonic Oh.. But not working here on my PC.