AAX on M1
@Lindon Download the SDK from Avid, extract it in
, Open the Xcode project in/Users/christophhart/HISE/tools/SDK/AAX/Libs/AAXLibrary
then compile the Debug and Release configuration.After this, just export your project as AAX (or now you can use All platforms as it doesn't make a separate build for AAX as before).
@Christoph-Hart said in AAX on M1:
@Lindon Download the SDK from Avid, extract it in
, Open the Xcode project in/Users/christophhart/HISE/tools/SDK/AAX/Libs/AAXLibrary
then compile the Debug and Release configuration.After this, just export your project as AAX (or now you can use All platforms as it doesn't make a separate build for AAX as before).
..hm thats what I've been trying to do... l will have another run at it - thanks.
@orange well Im getting a ton of errors trying to build 2.4.0 on M1... let me try 2.4.1
@Lindon Before using AAX SDK, don't forget to compile the static library on the M1 machine
@orange you mean compile the SDK itself? Thats what was failing for me... but it was as you said - 2.4.0 = fail and 2.4.1 = success
@Lindon right now to rebuild the latest HISE and I should be awaaaayyy,,,,
@orange you mean compile the SDK itself? Thats what was failing for me... but it was as you said - 2.4.0 = fail and 2.4.1 = success
Before compiling an AAX plugin from Hise, you need to open the below file in Xcode and build that binary. If this is what you're referring to, it's great.
@orange yes that was failing as 2.4.0 , but works OK in 2.4.1...thanks
Yes I also built 2.4.1 - just the most recent one that can be downloaded as they announced a few weeks ago that the SDK is now M1 compatible.
@orange ok let me try the rename...
@orange - yep that was it - my you've been my hero today mate - thanks.
@Lindon damn it again - spoke too soon now I'm getting these errors:
ā error: unable to create directory '/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Grand Piano Suite.aaxplugin/Contents/Resources' (in target 'Grand Piano Suite - AAX' from project 'Grand Piano Suite') ā error: unable to create directory '/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Grand Piano Suite.aaxplugin/Contents/MacOS' (in target 'Grand Piano Suite - AAX' from project 'Grand Piano Suite') ā error: unable to create directory '/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Grand Piano Suite.aaxplugin' (in target 'Grand Piano Suite - AAX' from project 'Grand Piano Suite') ā error: unable to create directory '/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Grand Piano Suite.aaxplugin/Contents' (in target 'Grand Piano Suite - AAX' from project 'Grand Piano Suite')
@Lindon Have you installed Pro Tools on your computer? Pro Tools creates this folder automatically. You can create that folder manually, but in the end you'll need a Pro Tools to open the plugin anyway.
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/
As @Dan-Korneff sugegsted, you can use this free Pro Tools version which supports 3rd party plugins:
https://www.avid.com/pro-tools/whats-included-with-pro-tools-intro -
@Lindon Have you installed Pro Tools on your computer? Pro Tools creates this folder automatically. You can create that folder manually, but in the end you'll need a Pro Tools to open the plugin anyway.
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/
As @Dan-Korneff sugegsted, you can use this free Pro Tools version which supports 3rd party plugins:
https://www.avid.com/pro-tools/whats-included-with-pro-tools-intronope I'm like @Christoph-Hart trying hard not to install ProTools at the moment...
@Lindon Then you'll have to create it yourself manually. The compiled plugin will be created in that folder.
But I'd install PT first.
@Lindon -yep eventually...this worked. For those arriving here with the same problem
- creating this:
Macintosh HD/users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins
does NOT work, it has to be the one at the system level:
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins
- creating this: