Collaborative project!
Hi guys!!! Nice finding! The video guy is really happy with Collab3.
Im not shure if they say noise regarding Leakage or some other noises like key click (or DC offset caused by the oscillators with zero or 1 for attack (easy to change but I personally like it) -
@hisefilo I saw someone say they stopped using after trying Waves denoise.
Seen a few of these comments so maybe have something in settings to change it ?I could do a test , compress it and see where the noise is coming from.
@lalalandsynth noise sources un collab are dc offsets from oscillators with zero attack, noise generator for keyclicks and leackage container. do a gentle 20 ms attack and kill leakage and noise gen if you want a clean sound
Why is the Leslie such a cpu hog , its not a very involved fx in itself ?
Should I expect CPU problems when building fx with scriptnode ? -
Time for MkII ? :)
And maybe remove the whole Covid Reference ;)
@lalalandsynth why not!!!!
And a super fat creamy rotor speaker with IR? -
@hisefilo Yep , I still have access to a real one :)
Or just take a faust effect LOL:
LeslieSim/faust/leslie.dsp at master · miccio-dk/LeslieSim
Leslie speaker simulator, made in FAUST + JUCE. Contribute to miccio-dk/LeslieSim development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub (
Works out of the box and sounds awesome, you can even connect the leslie positions to a cable...
@Christoph-Hart No way!!!! this is awesome!
@lalalandsynth well I need to see if it compiles on HISE 3.0
Will pull the repo -
@Christoph-Hart @lalalandsynth this is promising!
treble_speed = hslider("[00]Treble speed (RPM)", 35, 5, 500, 0.01) : si.smoo; treble_radius = hslider("[1]Treble radius (cm)", 19, 5, 30, 0.01) : si.smoo; treble_mics = hslider("[2]Mics distance (deg)", 90, 0, 180, 0.01) : si.smoo; treble_am_depth = hslider("[3]Treble AM depth", 1, 0, 10, 0.01) : si.smoo; treble_lpf_freq = hslider("[4]Treble LPF center freq (Hz)", 1500, 500, 3000, 0.01) : si.smoo; treble_lpf_depth = hslider("[5]Treble LPF depth (oct.)", 1, 0, 4, 0.01) : si.smoo; treble_horn_freq = hslider("[6]Horn resonance freq (Hz)", 2000, 1000, 3000, 0.01) : si.smoo;
@hisefilo Oh ! Nice !
Just be aware that there is no license specified for the code repo I posted.
As long as it's for a GPL project, you're fine, but it's not clear to use in a commercial project.
@Christoph-Hart got it!
This post is deleted! -
Hi guys, started migrating the repo to HISE 3.0
Just pushed the faust rotary fx to test (and fixed a var that needs to be local in HISE 3.0 ) -
@hisefilo Nice , following , ready to change/update UI.