Rename xml / project?
I'm sure this is a very basic question but wondering how I could rename a project?
I tried renaming all the files in my "XmlPresetBackups" folder with a new name and also changing the name in the xml but it came up with some errors and I want to be careful not to corrupt my project by accident.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Do you mean the name that it uses when exporting? That's taken from the
file in the project root - the xml files and their names have nothing to do with this. -
@Christoph-Hart Nope, I mean the name of the xml file that is being loaded.
I found the area you mentioned and that works as expected.
Maybe it isn't important but this project is going to be a template for other projects so I was thinking it would be good to have the xml file have the name of the actual project and the not all have the same template name.
@optimistic You need to change the name of the xml and the xml in the uidata folder, and also inside the xmls there will be references that need to be changed.