Is it possible....
To get values from the main interface into scriptnode for processing ?
Lets say I want to apply min max and some math actions to a value (say an output from an LFO) can I do that somehow ?
I am guessing not but thought I would ask if I missed something.Why dont I just build the LFO in scriptnode you might ask , well , sometimes features are not available in scriptnode that are available in the main modules far as I can tell :)
@lalalandsynth you can use global modulators outside of the scriptnode, then get them into it with the global modulation node and then - if you want to output that - you can use a global cable node.
@tomekslesicki great , will try that .
@tomekslesicki I am trying to do this now using a global modulator container with an lfo , then in scriptnode I have a global_receive but how can I send the global modulator container lfo to the global receive ?
The global send/receive does state " Send the sginal anywhere in HISE " but it seems like its only a send /receive within scriptnode ?
EDIT : the Global_mod node will receive the LFO from global modulator !