Acid 10
Getting glitchy sounds from out of the Hise sampler in Acid 10, anyone come across this?
Played with buffers but makes no difference. Waveform Generator and Sine Oscillator seem ok...
@DanH Further tests reveal that the sampler in a basic project does play ok. So must be something else causing the glitches - will test further.
What definitely doesn't seem to happen is being asked to install samples / locate sample folder, which is super weird. Just goes straight to the UI and (obviously) plays no sounds...
Just had a customer email me having issues in Acid 10 with expansions taking wayyy too long to load, and then not outputting audio.
I've just downloaded the latest Sony Acid 11 free trial, and am also experiencing the same issues, unrealistically long load times and no audio output.
I'll post here again if I find a solution! Seems like it might be a permissions thing? Or a resource allocation thing resulting in ridiculously long load times...
Edit: also tried some other plugins made with HISE in the trial and had all kinds of issues (lagging interface, audio dropping, buffer rate errors etc)
@Christoph-Hart is Acid Pro just a mess?
Acid Pro just a mess?
Seems like it.
@Christoph-Hart Damn, I've already let the customer know that it's probably best to stick to the Kontakt version of my instruments for now, I checked the Acid Pro troubleshooting pages and was met with something along the lines of:
"some plugins work better than others with Acid Pro"
which seemed a bit unhelpful and Cubase-y if I'm being honest... I'll probably add a warning message on my product page for Acid users
@iamlamprey I think that should be "Acid pro works with some plugins."
@d-healey Indeed
Halo opens now in Acid but doesn't make any sound....