FileSystem browseForDirectory + Server.downloadFile
@d-healey ok, but then I guess my idea of making a separate app by the same name might actually work then. Will give it some thought, thanks
@d-healey so your app downloads and unpacks several zips, and updates the link file, all with one button?
@DanH Yes essentially, but mine uses expansions so there can be multiple link files.
@d-healey yes I'm just looking through the code in your repo.
If you want to integrate my system into your app send me a message and we can discuss licensing.
@d-healey GPL ;)
@DanH Even better, take all you want.
@d-healey :)
Just going back to the snippet you shared with me earlier, in the download function f needs to be defined as a file but this file will be different for each OS so.... how can I define it as such? Another if statement?
inline function startDownload() { Engine.showYesNoWindow("Select Folder", "Select the destination folder", function(response) { if (response) { FileSystem.browseForDirectory(downloadsFolder, function(dir) { if (isDefined(dir) && dir.isDirectory()) { Server.setBaseURL("https://myserver etc"); var f = dir.getChildFile("MAC-INSTALLER.pkg"); // HERE download = Server.downloadFile(url, {}, f, downloadCallback); } }); } });
@DanH Look at the part where I set the URL based on the OS. You can do the same thing for the file name.
@d-healey Yes, think I've got it working :crossed_fingers: