AU Compiles but not visible
@orange This is the correct "Caches" location?
I have completed another compile with a new unique VST code but still no luck. Very strange as 7 others exported and show fine but 2 will not show at all.
@orange Ill keep digging for the AU Cache Folder. That is my only lead now lol
@trillbilly Go to the Logic Plug-ins Manager and see if those AU failed validation
@dustbro I dont have Logic. Is this something I can use outside of the DAW?
I checked via the terminal to ensure they were validated and received this back.
"valid on disk - satisfies its Designated Requirement"
@trillbilly Did you give them a unique bundle identifier?
@d-healey Are you referring to the "Plugin Code" within HISE Preferences? If so, yes and I have tried multiple times to ensure this isnt the case.
@trillbilly If you don't have Logic, you can use auvaltool
@trillbilly Bundle identifier
@d-healey ahhhh, here we go again. I didnt change this on any of them.
@d-healey You were right, it was the bundle identifier.
@trillbilly Glad we solved the mystery :)