The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Feature Request: Draggable ADHSR Envelope (like the curve EQ and Tables etc)
Feature request:
Ability to designate some presets as factory (read-only)Done
Bug report: interruptions in audio when using convolution fx plugins and Cubase’s Direct Offline Processing:
Feature Request: Sub Folders in Automation menus
Automation subfolders in DAW
Would be really nice to be able to use folders / sub menus in the automation menu for our plugins... as below
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Bug Report
Multi Instance Crash: There is no issue while opening the multiple plugin instances in the DAW. But when the project saved, closed and opened again, DAW crashes. Probably MoodyChamels Queue issue in Hise.
Sometimes just 4 plugins causes the crash but no crash with 20 plugins in the same computer. Very random issue.
Bug Report
Write Automation Issue on AU Plugins: Write automation doesn't work in exported AU plugins. Read Automation works. (only AU plugins)
Bug Report
AAX Button State Issue: Default button state is always 0. (Only AAX Plugins)
Bug Report
Latency Issue on FL Studio: When Delay Compensation is used, there is a big latency only in FL Studio. (Other DAWs are fine with delay compensation)
PLEASE PLEASE would it be possible to give the developer the choice of which color space to reserve when importing images.
8Bit - 256 colors
16Bit - 65.500 colors
32Bit - 1.5000000 colors
The sense is not to reserve a color space of 1 billion colors for an image with three colors and thus to use a lot of memory - which can be used in a more sensible way.This requires a full rewrite of how JUCE / HISE handles images for a rather minor use case.
Bug Report: MIDIPlayer ClearSequences can't be connected to a front-end GUI element.
MidiPlayer ClearSequences?
How do I clear sequences from the GUI? I can't get it working connecting a button to the ParameterID, or through generic & typed script references, or using ...
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Feature Request:
Making the Interface To A Freely Resizable One By Dragging The Corner Of Interface, With A simple Line Of Code:Content.makeFrontInterfaceResizable("true");
Feature Request:
Scriptnode's File Player, Needs Trigger/Sync/Loop/And Stop/Start Controls, Anytging More than This Is WelcomeThe file player is being rewritten entirely.
Bug Report:
Once I Open A Project, All Modules Are In Open Position, Instead Of Collapsed, So I Need To Click Each Of Modules Little Arrow To Close 'em All, Which Waste So Much Time Here. -
Feature request
It's actually compatibility request. Native Support for Apple ARM cpu computers.Basically Done - it's not 100% stable, but I can compile a few example projects for M1.
Feature Request:
Algorithmic Time Stretching for Samples
DraggableFiltePanel problem
The draggalbeFilterPanel is missing an important function
I can select the single nodes as a user or no callback is generated when the user clicks on a node.Furthermore the user can change the Q-value with the mouse wheel.
But if there is no mouse wheel - this function is lost.It would be nice if in principle the function of the mouse wheel can also be achieved by pressing the Shift key and moving the mouse.
Thus the draggelbeFilterPanel would be operable as EQ in all functions with the mouse.
Mousewheel EQ
Yes that sounds good - but my question is HOW do I get the band that the user clicks in the GUI? He clicks on band (1) and I would like to get the position o...
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Feature Request: Sample Installer App that resides outside of the compiled plugin / standalone - but uses the HLAC compression system and writes the link file whilst allowing users to choose unique destinations (and looks a bit prettier than existing install process).
Thinking about it one could simply make a standalone app that does exactly this with HISE as is, but the current hlac installer process is a real turn off for people it seems (as well as a major plugin distro website)
Feature Request :
- Implement Juce Spectogram & Correlation Meter
Feature Request
* Horizontal and Vertical Scale and Spacing/Tracking of Text PropertyNot possible with JUCE font hinting - You can skew the text and align it with limited capabilities already using the exisisting API calls.
Feature Request:
SLOPES For Filter/EQ ModulesPlease Please