@Lindon simple snippet - showing it crashing.,..
HiseSnippet 989.3ocsV0saaaCElxwba1sYoEXO.B9pT.2.ImDmj0KppcrGLZSpQUZ2.JJBXjns4hDo.IkScKJPuXOH6UauA6MXiTTwlowIKy.QWoyOeG8wyeTC4rHrPv3.mZmLKCCbdHLbFUNo6DDgBFbHvYCXFGKvRIZ7XBcLnyrLjPfiANNq8KZmbpUET772OuCJAQivKTA.uiQhvuhjRjKzNL3kjjj9nX7IjTKu2IXPDi1kkvxUDZMnGHCEcNZL9Xj1sJPfy20KlHY7PIRhE.mpcXwyBmvtfZ7+cDA4rDrVvGDpBjQceVRrlwZsftSHIwCu7fK.pnLbQZXMSZ3mfGQhIy0uHc7nBCtKPXmObpbazy2ldd2c54XQupF58XXXDmjIWXQysG.GPkX9HjpDXSKiufJUbfcYJOnxsRQmi6yUByQrYaOult6548jmsd8dTUsFukpr+VAlOrnA3Dz3WQDxMeeCNKe7jFMaHRYLo9kQHgTKmvtnwGz3GkSijDF0kQOlIwult4Sp+450p+k5teqoQiVpMMQ4rjDLeol0MN7aC3lz7zyv7ltSQI434NpxfWsDAu4RjcGTjIuY4HiNfRjuNCSuoBGnLYqJgUJYkxUYQA7GKKfgIjXLGPT0ouG9RJ6LePAgsGg.2D3N4RIiV.tFzHrL3ucvgHIR2HURHEIyvbIQe9cNDOUMgZZqpAODKNWxxTeptrzLFUSeG3+Im+37OXvvfYyE9Z2.gDmER9zkLJ3u9ze7bfUrqdGNRKh9e961QePfcjdfrbx0Do9ILjTsv5DhpZpi2FPaU1QE7LqnFbZPYZxjS1.ZZ+6vYWnlE.mM9xETODtieau814fcauOfHwoVFZs+dsOn0ds7sLzxX4.E.ee+cAEUkJO0A940q651P2aEhlhMm5F+rqjmiaN2TuOlgnBUOt3EBU7xS0tLBkHr7oXQB+FBfdZSb8vplFL.tts9noLth+5sxWw3w4oFJnwrsQmQwuRhkSdiJKyTVdu1fqq2Va+MOM+eaPq+CqW+KfKzefE8CeMXBlLdh0kKSC.WeeoZqMKNOAIu5pb88WkFTI1qryTuWTktkyrue6dY+9cktOFNjHilrb9VYI7Uu24dluk2VtNr2nQ3H4BxVE1+2t+uZD7FVtdf9HjjSTyyPUiYnZRKBqXBkhSzK3cpnWgZj8zx5LSHlFWH7OpmRi9ZYmRi9WZDjhh3rSiL6f02G+CEZTbhV7aI0fGokcmu5EB81xCjp9MgSihzohmp39xwzZEvr8JfYmU.ytq.l1q.l8VAL6eqXz+g1KxkrTyXhRwvdEKacb5QQptrhNRv+ppgmCF
@Lindon It Shows Up Here With No Issues, By Pressing The Edit Tags Button, The Gets Gets Blinking WIth Colors, Kinda Preparing For Changing, But By Clicking On Them Nothing Changes
Lindon It Works Now, I Had Zero Presets On That Project, But Now It Works With Presets,
It Gets In Blinking Mode, And If You Click On Any Tags, The Selected Preset Goes Under That Tag
Kinda Is Cool, Nice Foundation <3 :)
@Natanr - nope crashing every time - what build are you using?
I click on "edit tags" - and the tags start to "flash" - clicking on any tag at this point does nothing...
turn off "edit tags" and press any tag and HISE crashes..
- I have two presets declared...
@Lindon Your snippet works here, I got the commit from the December 3rd
@ustk sigh...still crashing here...
@Lindon I'm On This Commit:
- fix compilation on macOSLookAndFeel Does Not Work With This Update
BUt From My Experience The Crashes Are Close To Zero At This One -
@Natanr sadly I'm currently trying to use LaF - tho I'm close to abandoning it.
I Skipped That Update, It Was More Like Crashise Than Hise For Me -
@Lindon I have it working with LaF in the most recent build and no crashing. Have you tried a completely fresh build of the most recent commit? What are you doing to the preset tags in the LaF?
@Lunacy-Audio Im doing nothing to the prest browser with LaF - I compiled the latest version of HISE yesterday - same problem.
Still this is the project where the modulators are hanging HISE so it might be something to do with just how BIG this thing is...
@Lindon have you tried the snippet you provided above directly instead of your own project? The xml might be corrupted… if it is the case you might try to validate it online
@Natanr said in Engine.setUserPresetTagList:
New name suggestion is officially accepted. Bonus point is that in german it's pronounced like "Crash-Shit" :)
No Way
@ustk said in Engine.setUserPresetTagList:
@Lindon have you tried the snippet you provided above directly instead of your own project? The xml might be corrupted… if it is the case you might try to validate it online
- er, I wouldnt have provided it if I hadnt first checked it was demonstrating the symptoms.....
@Lindon I'm actually now experiencing some serious preset tag issues on Windows specifically. It was all fine on Mac. On Windows, the tags don't work and, if clicked, will crash any version of the compiled plugin and even the interface within HISE.
@Lunacy-Audio - yep my experience exactly.
Was it ever working on Windows? Or do we think this is related to LAF or a recent commit?