Countdown Timer Challenge
Hey Guys,
Just gave myself the weird and wonderful challenge of trying to make a countdown timer in HISE.
Is this even possible?
Imagine that use of the the 'start timer' function would be needed but can't think of how minutes & seconds would be incoperated.
Can anyone of you wizards solve this?
The time starts now!
@LeeC - hows this a challenge for you if you are asking us to write it?
Haha probably could have phrased/positioned that better
I'm actually attempting it... Will probably take me days to figure it out though :face_with_stuck-out_tongue:
Assuming that it's possible that is!
@Lindon It should be possible right?
Minutes = Math.floor(numSeconds / 60.0); Seconds = numSeconds - (Minutes * 60)
@LeeC yes it is possible...
Can't be done without C++ and vodka, give up now.