component list gone?
Just curious... how do you get things back to normal?
The project I've been working on for months is all gone (component list)Luckily I had another instance of HISE open with the project, but In can't close it because everything will be gone.
@BWSounds : it's saying
! Component with name wasn't found. -
@BWSounds Have you been saving your projects as an XML?
Yes I have a file I saved yesterday, I copied the script to that and added the samplers and it puller right up, just have to place all the slides, panels, buttons..etc back in the right position.
I Still dont know what caused the issue though :man_shrugging:
@BWSounds I actually just recorded a video about this. It's not up yet though.
Open the UIData xml file for your project in a text editor.
Copy everything and paste it into an XML validator. Click validate, and hopefully it will tell you there is a problem in the XML file and which line it is on.
@d-healey that worked, I had 3 errors... took me a minute to find out exactly how to fix the issues, but I got it figured out. Thank you!
@ustk It seems to be caused when components that are inside panels are added/deleted or moved around, but it doesn't always happen so it's hard to create a repeatable example.
Every time I rebuild my interface in the interface designer, I get an error notice in my console that "Component with name _____ wasn't found" for every UI component. However, the interface does rebuild and display and function correctly. So I'm not entirely worried, but should I be?Also, I followed the advice here and did an XML backup and went to the validator. Everything was valid, so I'm even less concerned, but wondering what what's going on.
Also, I was definitely moving things around in panels, so I imagine that is the cause.
@musictranscriber Well, I'm in the same situation for a long time. My project became very big in terms of interface and scripting.
Often when recompiling I got errors like this but everything is correct.
Sometimes (1 every 2-3 times) I also get some execution time-out warning after init. But everything works as expected.More recently, Hise crashes when recompiling with the interface designer opened, so each time I have to close it, recompile, and reopen the interface designer. Two days ago, I reinstalled a dual monitor setup so the interface is now displayed in an additional floating window.
Since then I can recompile with no crash (because I keep the original interface designer closed).My guess is that Hise could have some instability issues when the project becomes big. (It already happened to me with an old project so it's not specific to this one). It would be good to know if some more people have had the same issue (everything's good then Hise becoming less and less stable when the project grows).
@ustk I hit the same issue as you did. Is there any fix to this yet? It is weird though, as long as I compile from the script editor no errors are coming up. I guess it doesn't influence functionality but it just doesn't feel that good when you see all those red lines piling up!
@vewilya Did you try running the project xml and the ui xml files through a validator?
@d-healey Yes! No errors...
Is your sound card set correctly in hise preferences?
@d-healey 🤯
Insane that is! The sound card was set correctly, but the sample rate input field was somewhat empty! Not sure why that is! As soon as I set it to 48khz the problem was gone!
Edit: Nope... It's back again. After compiling once in the script and going back to the interface editor it is all red again...
@vewilya did the sound card settings stick?
@d-healey Yes. I checked back on them.
I have validated my xml file and I have no errors. I saved and compiled my project just last night with NO errors and woke up to all of my components missing on a 2 month long project. I am about to loose my mind!
@d-healey The xml files do not have a schema declared so am I validating against a schema or just for syntax?
@Christoph-Hart Any advice? What is "Git" and how do I retrieve my project? I did not mess with the xml at all. Is there a control number limit? How can I retrieve my project?
@Mwins Have you validated the UI xml as well? And did you try all the other suggestions in this thread?