Textbooks to study Javascript
Hi all, I definitely feel the need to study javascript, as I can see the potential results that can be attained using HISE at its full potential via scripting. Unfortunately, I'm a total beginner and I don't know where to start.
Can someone please give me some titles of textbooks that I can buy to study Javascript?
Thanks a lot for your patience. -
@alepan start here...
https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp (you can safely ignore all the web/browser stuff - you want the language structure.//syntax parts)
@Lindon Thanks a lot :)
Check out David Healeys scripting 101 video:
It starts at literally zero and explains the basic stuff pretty well.
Once you've through the 101 video, this reference documentation should get you up to speed:I usually don't recommend that people try to learn HiseScript by reading web-development based Javascript tutorials, there are too many things that are different.
@Christoph-Hart Thanks Christoph, I am a subscriber to David's Patreon, great stuff indeed. I've also read the documentation you've linked. I probably need more examples and explanations, I'm new to programming so it's a bit hard to get started.
@alepan I was in the same position as you and I did find some really good tutorials that focus on the pure basics of Javascript and functional logic for noobs like us, and the bonus is that it's free!
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification - Basic JavaScript
I also studied this other course in tandem which is made by some Google peeps and runs on all platforms, including IOS/Android ( so I can study while commuting )
Once you go over the basics on either of these courses then David's video is a great segway into HISE Scripting :)
@briandoliveira Thansk for the info!