"userPresets: is not a member of PresetData" on Windows
Hi Christoph, and community, first, thanks for developing HISE, I'm trying to develop my first open source vst using this framework.
I was able to export a vst plugin once, but then I could not do it any more.
System Details: Windows 10. v1703. Intel 64 / Hise 0.99 b.648 / Standalone 64 / VisualBasic 2015 / Installed Intel IPP
- I download the latest code from Github.
- I copied the SDK from ASIOSDK2.3, VST3 SDK, AAX to the SDK folder in the correct way (IPP too).
- Then, I executed "prejucer" ( In different approaches I have set several times IPP = enabled, single thread, other times IPP = disabled, just in case)
- I have built HISE 64bit, Release, with the following warnings:
1>------ Build started: Project: HISE Standalone, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1> DspUnitTests.cpp 1> HiseEventBufferUnitTests.cpp 1> MainComponent.cpp 1> Main.cpp 1> BinaryData.cpp 1> hi_backend.cpp 1> hi_core.cpp 1> hi_dsp_library.cpp 1> hi_lac.cpp 1> hi_modules.cpp 1>e:\hise-master\hi_lac\hlac/BitCompressors.cpp(122): warning C4100: 'numValues': unreferenced formal parameter (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_lac.cpp) 1> hi_scripting.cpp 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scripting.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\..\..\hi_scripting\scripting\api\DspUnitTests.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\Source\Main.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\Source\MainComponent.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_backend.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.cpp(445): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.cpp(446): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.cpp(447): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_scripting\scripting/components/ScriptingContentComponent.cpp(229): warning C4457: declaration of 'i' hides function parameter (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scripting.cpp) 1> e:\hise-master\hi_scripting\scripting/components/ScriptingContentComponent.cpp(196): note: see declaration of 'i' (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scripting.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_scripting\scripting/components/ScriptingEditor.cpp(1834): warning C4189: 'p': local variable is initialized but not referenced (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scripting.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_core\MainController.cpp(415): warning C4100: 'newPosition': unreferenced formal parameter (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1> juce_audio_basics.cpp 1> juce_audio_devices.cpp 1> juce_audio_formats.cpp 1> juce_audio_processors.cpp 1> juce_audio_utils.cpp 1> juce_core.cpp 1>e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_sampler\sampler/ModulatorSamplerData.cpp(1039): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'juce::int64' to 'int', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1> juce_cryptography.cpp 1> juce_data_structures.cpp 1> juce_events.cpp 1> juce_graphics.cpp 1> juce_gui_basics.cpp 1> juce_gui_extra.cpp 1> juce_opengl.cpp 1> juce_tracktion_marketplace.cpp 1>e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\..\..\hi_core\hi_core\HiseEventBufferUnitTests.cpp) 1>LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/INCREMENTAL' due to '/LTCG' specification 1> Generating code 1> Finished generating code 1> HISE Standalone.vcxproj -> E:\HISE-master\projects\standalone\Builds\VisualStudio2015\x64\Release\HISE.exe 1> HISE Standalone.vcxproj -> x64\Release\\HISE.pdb (Full PDB) ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
- I searched for Hise.exe, (I copied it to another folder and used it in the same directory in different attempts)
- Within Hise, I created a new project in another directory. I followed your steps in the video of the "5 minutes", I used the instrument in the preview. (By the way, how do you call the autocomplete? - in the video)
- The first time I exported the instrument as VST64, I foun some warnings, but I copied the file "MyFirstVst.dll", I used it in Image-line FL Studio 12 64bit, it works and I export a song 100%.
This is where the trouble starts. I tried to replicate what I had done, I cleaned everything that had to be cleaned (the Appdata folder, builds, etc) to build everything again from scratch, and from that moment on I could never export a vst again.
- The following failed output is constant when I try to export a VST64:
Re-saving file: E:\25-05\Binaries\AutogeneratedProject.jucer Finished saving: Visual Studio 2015 Finished saving: Xcode (MacOSX) Compiling 64bit Instrument plugin 25-05 ... Microsoft (R) Build Engine, versiĆ³n 14.0.25420.1 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados. CopyProtection.cpp Plugin.cpp PresetData.cpp BinaryData.cpp hi_core.cpp hi_dsp_library.cpp hi_frontend.cpp hi_lac.cpp hi_modules.cpp hi_scripting.cpp e:\hise-master\hi_lac\hlac/BitCompressors.cpp(122): warning C4100: 'numValues': u nreferenced formal parameter (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_lac.cpp) [E:\25-0 5\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] juce_audio_basics.cpp juce_audio_devices.cpp juce_audio_formats.cpp juce_audio_plugin_client_utils.cpp juce_audio_plugin_client_VST2.cpp e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing ': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scripting .cpp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing ': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing ': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp) [E:\VST d evelop\VST DEV 2017\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing ': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_frontend. cpp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.h(397): warning C4244: 'initializing ': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.c pp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(12): error C2039: 'userPresets': is not a member of 'PresetData' [E:\2 5-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\25-05\binaries\source\PresetData.h(6): note: see declaration of 'PresetData' ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(12): error C2039: 'userPresetsSize': is not a member of 'PresetData' [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\25-05\binaries\source\PresetData.h(6): note: see declaration of 'PresetData' ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(12): error C2065: 'userPresetsSize': undeclared identifier [E:\25-05\B inaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] juce_audio_processors.cpp juce_audio_utils.cpp e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.cpp(445): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp ) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.cpp(446): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp ) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_modules\effects/fx/Filters.cpp(447): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_modules.cpp ) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] juce_core.cpp e:\hise-master\hi_scripting\scripting/components/ScriptingContentComponent.cpp(22 9): warning C4457: declaration of 'i' hides function parameter (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scriptin g.cpp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_scripting\scripting/components/ScriptingContentComponent.cpp( 196): note: see declaration of 'i' (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_scripting.cpp) e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_core\MainController.cpp(415): warning C4100: 'newPositi on': unreferenced formal parameter (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_sampler\sampler/ModulatorSamplerData.cpp(1039): warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'juce::int64' to 'int', possible loss of data (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibr aryCode\hi_core.cpp) [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] juce_cryptography.cpp juce_data_structures.cpp juce_events.cpp juce_graphics.cpp juce_gui_basics.cpp juce_gui_extra.cpp juce_opengl.cpp juce_tracktion_marketplace.cpp Compiling finished.Cleaning up... No se pudo encontrar E:\25-05\Binaries\Compiled\25-05 x64.exp No se pudo encontrar E:\25-05\Binaries\Compiled\25-05 x64.lib Presione una tecla para continuar . . .
(it can't be found) (press a key to continue..)
- Where these lines are those that come out in red in the terminal and are errors:
..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(12): error C2039: 'userPresets': is not a member of 'PresetData' [E:\2 5-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\25-05\binaries\source\PresetData.h(6): note: see declaration of 'PresetData' ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(12): error C2039: 'userPresetsSize': is not a member of 'PresetData' [E:\25-05\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj] e:\25-05\binaries\source\PresetData.h(6): note: see declaration of 'PresetData' ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(12): error C2065: 'userPresetsSize': undeclared identifier [E:\25-05\B inaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\25-05.vcxproj]
I noticed that parts of the code related to the definition of
were changed, but that error did not come out the first time when I was able to export the VST instrument correctly. -
Hi username and welcome to the forum.
Sorry for the hiccups, I am currently rewriting huge parts of the HISE interface in another branch and the current master tip is slightly abandoned (but I try to finish today or tomorrow and merge them in).
The issue you describe is exactly because of the commit you mention (I really need to add compile tests to the continuous integration tools for HISE to avoid this).
If you check out the commit just before that, it should work (click on the link and download this version).
And autocomplete can be shown by pressing Escape. For OS X users this is convenient as Xcode works the same way, but Windows user always stumble upon this - I deliberately deactivated automatic popup as this is always annoying :)
[SOLVED] I leave this post for others in the same situation.
Thanks for your time and help.-
I have built "Hise" from that file that you have told me and I have been able to export the "dll" files.
Some warnings still appear, the yellow ones, but do not compromise the export in this attempt.
Now I will continue to learn and test the next updates, I am grateful for the news you gave.
(I downloaded the new branch yesterday, just to try, I love random colors when creating new tabs in the interface. It's a great job.)"Escape" was the last option for me :O, as a user of Windows and Ubuntu, I tried "F1" or "TAB" (as in the Powershell or Windows terminal, when you type a letter, then press TAB continuously search and show the files by alphabetical order), Thank you very much. I appreciate the deactivated automatic popup.
Should be fixed now on the current master branch.
Yes, it's fixed in version 1.0.0 / build 649, great job!!
thank you very much!
There aren't errors or warnings when exporting a 64bit vst.
When compiling Hise in VS2015, this gave some warnings, but it works fine for now. I'll be testing the new Hise.
1>------ Build started: Project: HISE Standalone, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1> DspUnitTests.cpp 1> HiseEventBufferUnitTests.cpp 1> MainComponent.cpp 1> Main.cpp 1> BinaryData.cpp 1> hi_backend.cpp 1> hi_core.cpp 1> hi_dsp_library.cpp 1> hi_lac.cpp 1> hi_modules.cpp 1> hi_scripting.cpp 1>e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_components\floating_layout\FloatingTileContent.cpp(380): warning C4189: 'mc': local variable is initialized but not referenced (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_components\floating_layout\FloatingTileContent.cpp(435): warning C4189: 'mc': local variable is initialized but not referenced (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_components\floating_layout\FloatingTileContent.cpp(524): warning C4189: 'mc': local variable is initialized but not referenced (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1>e:\hise-master\hi_core\hi_dsp\editor/ProcessorEditorHeader.cpp(843): warning C4189: 'mod': local variable is initialized but not referenced (compiling source file ..\..\JuceLibraryCode\hi_core.cpp) 1> juce_audio_basics.cpp 1> juce_audio_devices.cpp 1> juce_audio_formats.cpp 1> juce_audio_processors.cpp 1> juce_audio_utils.cpp 1> juce_core.cpp 1> juce_cryptography.cpp 1> juce_data_structures.cpp 1> juce_events.cpp 1> juce_graphics.cpp 1> juce_gui_basics.cpp 1> juce_gui_extra.cpp 1> juce_opengl.cpp 1> juce_tracktion_marketplace.cpp 1>LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/INCREMENTAL' due to '/LTCG' specification 1> Generating code 1> Finished generating code 1> HISE Standalone.vcxproj -> E:HISE-master\projects\standalone\Builds\VisualStudio2015\x64\Release\HISE.exe 1> HISE Standalone.vcxproj -> x64\Release\\HISE.pdb (Full PDB) ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
@Tod-Slaughter Before export go to
Export >> Clean Build Directory
@d-healey said in "userPresets: is not a member of PresetData" on Windows:
@Tod-Slaughter Before export go to
Export >> Clean Build Directory
Doing that unfortunately I get the same error but the build process does execute further
You need to create the files from the resource pools: Export -> Export Pooled Files to Binary Resources.
There's also a setting that you can enable that it does this at every export (Rebuild Pool Files), which is activated by default, but you might have ended up with a wrong setting if you were jumping between different HISE versions, so make sure this flag is set.
tahnks guys in the end it was Embed Audio Files tick box