Thanks. I'll share to you on PM
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
@d-healey hmm
maybe I have to rebuild everything from zero ;(
what is your recommendation: HISE-develop or HISE-4.0.0. ? -
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
YES, the ch1 file appeared according to where I extracted the hr1.does it affect me when I move the project and hise-develope folders to a new folder?
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
I've re-extracted the sample from the .hr file, but the LinkOSX file does not appear, whether I miss something?
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
@antarmata_02 Should I restore that file? Or is there another place where I can find it, except in the sample folder?
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
yes, the LinkOSX was in the sample folder. but now, I've been delete the file
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
the standalone plugin still can't opened.
This warning keeps repeating, even though I've reloaded the sample
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
I've deleted LinkOSX file, but still nothing has happened. also I try to delete hr1 1 and make that again, but the issue still repeat
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
I'll share this with other people (school). -
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
now I get the hr.1 (83.3 MB) and ch1 file (match on my sample), but the issue is still same, I can't launched the app, any suggestion?
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
there are just 3kind of files on my sample folder: -
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
should I do this: > Select Export >> Export Sample as Archive ? (based on your other answer)
but where I can get that menu?
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
this the extract hr1 look like: ist that correct?
my samples about 302.6 MB
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
wait, that's means I can extract hr1 file? but my hr1 file was just 122 bytes, so whether there are something wrong when I made hr1 file?
looks this setting :
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
ldo you mean when I extract .hr1 file?
the app and and .hr1 was in same folder:
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
FINALLY, it solves man. thank you so much. you're really jenius.
the point is:- . usually indicates a file extension
so, I moved the folder to desktop, and that's work :)
one thing, I've made .hr1 file, and finished the step when I first launched the app, check this :
but, when I relaunched the app, the first step appeared, so I can't open the app because this sample imported appeared again,
do you have an idea for that?
RE: Export " unmatched tags "
is this the project name you mean?