Linked Knobs kill sound
Hi there, I've linked 2 Filter Frequency Knobs with this code:
inline function onW1FreqControl(component, value) { Filter1.setAttribute(Filter1.Frequency, value); if (Button1.getValue()) { W2Freq.setValue(value); Filter2.setAttribute(Filter2.Frequency, 1-value); } }; W1Freq.setControlCallback(onW1FreqControl); inline function onW2FreqControl(component, value) { Filter2.setAttribute(Filter2.Frequency, value); if (Button1.getValue()) { W1Freq.setValue(value); Filter1.setAttribute(Filter1.Frequency, 1-value); } }; W2Freq.setControlCallback(onW2FreqControl); inline function onButton1Control(component, value) { if(value) { W1Freq.changed(); } }; Content.getComponent("Button1").setControlCallback(onButton1Control);
when I press the Button to link them it kills all the sound and I've to reload my project. Does anyone why this happens?
@treynterrio you mean linking the the component properties?
Having a link there bypasses the control callback. Could be related. Does it also blow up your interface? There's currently an issue where setting anything with a frequency parameter in scriptnode to undefined breaks the audio engine and sends a weird sub20hz signal at +24dB