Set gain of left and right channels separately?
I would like to create a "combined panner", so that panning doesn't just turn down one channel (left or right), but rather combines the two on the side to which you are panning while lowering the gain of the opposite channel.
To achieve that, I would be lowering the gain of one channel (eg. L), while simultaneously sending that signal to the other channel (R) to be mixed in with the existing (R) signal there.
So, is there a way to set the gain of L and R channels individually of a synth/ sampler?
@gorangrooves definitely doable with scriptnode and a bunch of multi, gain and xfader nodes.
@Christoph-Hart Thank you. I believe I found a simple way to accomplish what I am trying to do by using FX Simple Gain, and setting the UI slider to control both the Balance and Width at the same time. I tested it yesterday, and it works great.