Waveform how to get playback position?
I can see a function to set the playback position, but how do we get it?
My idea is to create a pause button. So the user clicks play, the audio file plays back, they hit pause and it stores the position, when they hit play again I resume from that position.
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@ulrik Yes, if I had an audio file, but I have a waveform control linked to a sampler.
@d-healey Oh, ok I see
@Christoph-Hart Any pointers?
Still haven't found a solution to this one. Also it seems
doesn't do anything, at least when it's connected to a sampler? -
@d-healey Do you recall if this was ever resolved?
@clevername27 Not according to my last post here :)
@d-healey I'm baffled how anyone is able to ship a HISE-product. Obviously they do, but I am legit baffled.
@clevername27 These are edge-cases, the primary modules & UI elements are very well made and stable :)
@iamlamprey I appreciate your response. I do not believe there is a such a thing as an "edge case". An API either works, or it doesn't.
Surely the sampler itself should be reporting this, not the WaveForm view ???
My brain looks at this problem more along these lines:
- Get sampler.
- Get currently playing file.
- Get sample position for currently playing file.
- Use a ScriptPanel and a timer.
- Convert sample position into a pixel value.
- Draw a vertical line at the pixel value on the X axis, and as tall as you need it on the Y axis.
- Each time you want to update the position, clear the old line, and draw a new line.
This ScriptPanel would be placed over the top of the existing waveform panel.
This is more or less how I did my sample start/end and loop start/end mechanics.
The only thing I haven't done is any kind of update logic. But I'm sure it is possible. Provided you can get the data from the sampler or currently playing audio file.
@Orvillain Thank you - I'm confused, though, because I don't want to use a sampler. I just want to play an audio file. And HISE has a Module to do that:
Except, like so many things in HISE, it doesn't do that.