AAX FX Plug-In
In Pro Tools my FX plug-in comes up under the 'Modulation' folder on Windows and 'Other' on OSX.
Is there any way to control this when exporting from Hise?
@DanH In the Project preferences
@ustk aha! Thank you!
@DanH I reckon you can also do it in the jucer after export
@ustk next question! I'm struggling to get InnoSetup to compile the aax file. I know its a folder, but either declaring the source file as
Location example\MyPlugin.aaxplugin
Location example\MyPlugin.aaxplugin\*
returns that the file doesn't exist and files can't be found. Any ideas?!
@DanH Sorry I don't know InnoSetup...
Here's what I'm doing:
;AAX Source: "Z:\MyPlugin.aaxplugin\*"; DestDir: "{commoncf64}\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\MyCompany\MyPlugin.aaxplugin"; Components: aax_64; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs Source: "Z:\MyPlugin.aaxplugin\desktop.ini"; DestDir: "{commoncf64}\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\MyCompany\MyPlugin.aaxplugin"; Components: aax_64; Flags: ignoreversion; Attribs: hidden Source: "Z:\MyPlugin.aaxplugin\PlugIn.ico"; DestDir: "{commoncf64}\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\MyCompany\MyPlugin.aaxplugin"; Components: aax_64; Flags: ignoreversion; Attribs: hidden
@Dan-Korneff ah yeah maybe I missed the bit about sub directories! Thanks!
What is the desktop.ini for? And is the icon for the PT aax icon ?
@DanH that is supposed to set the AAX icon to your plugin, otherwise the plugin will just look like a folder on windows.