How Can I make a hwt File Installer in HISE
I want to make a simple hwt installer. I know installing of .hwt files is very painful for end users. .hwt files can not be shipped or embed directly with in HISE Compiled plugins. So if I want to share hwt files I have to send it manually. An I know it is installed in
For Mac it is in
location.I want to make this installation simple. I want to put a button on the plugins interface. It will open the location and when user will click it, it will install/copy all the .hwt files from my given Zip file (contained with all the hwt files) to this
How can I do that ? -
What is a .hwt file?
@d-healey I think it is what is spit out from Tools->Convert samplemap to Wavetable Bank
@DabDab You can use the FileSystem APIs to download a zip file and unpack it to a specific location
@DanH Hmmm... Will it work for Mac Application support>Vendorname>PluginName>AudioFiles?
@DabDab Not if it's in the System/Library folder, only the User/Library
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