Input level ?
What is the correct way to set up an input level to an fx plugin ?
My current setup is a "Normalized percentage" Slider controlling a gain module using this code.const var inputGain = Synth.getEffect("InputGain"); var inputLabel = createLabel("INPUT", "%", 77, 356 + 15, 83, 22); inline function onInputKnbControl(component, value) { local wValue = Engine.getDecibelsForGainFactor(value); inputGain.setAttribute(inputGain.Gain, wValue); displayValue(inputLabel, Math.round(value*1000)/10); }; Content.getComponent("sliderInput").setControlCallback(onInputKnbControl);
But the behaviour is "strange" bringing the slider down to 1% is -40dB and then it jumps from there to -100 from the 1% to the 0% , I am aware of the logarithmic nature of decibels but wondering if this is correct behaviour?
As opposed to the convolution reverb in reaper.
@lalalandsynth why use normalized percentage and not the decibel slider range?
@DanH Not sure, old project and found a post that recommended that, might have been some changes since then.
Decibel to Linear value to make Dry/Wet Slider...
Use Engine.getDecibelsForGainFactor() and its brother Engine.getGainFactorForDecibels() for the conversion between db values and 0...1. No need to reinvent t...
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@DanH With that setting I now jump from -70 to -100 at the bottom range of the slider.
@lalalandsynth I suppose you could try lowering the middlePosition of the slider in its Properties.