Still problems with Message.sendToMidiOut();
@d-healey Do you have "JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput=1" as an extra definition in the preferences?
And I see you don't use "Message.sendToMidiOut()"?
And I see you don't use "Message.sendToMidiOut()"?
Ah crap. Something went weird and it's duplicated my script. I'll fix it an update the snippet.
@d-healey I think for narrowing it down it would be important to know if Message.sendToMidiOut() equals for example what Message.getNoteNumber() is receiving at the same point of the midi signal flow. Or if the events need to be specified somehow.
Those are the callbacks that appear once I add sendtomidiout to a script processor - percentages that don't change value when I play notes... -
ok so i figured that my last tests in the JUCE plugin host didn't work anymore - now looking at the callback I realised why. I didn't kill the initial notes - so it seems there have to be artificial notes only in the midi buffer. So I have a very simple snippet now that does work in plugin host but in ableton I still get the input notes instead of the single artificial note the plugin is generating. If it does what it should in the plugin host we have to be so damn near to have it working in the daw...
HiseSnippet 1287.3oc6Xs0SibCE1CIyJRX6kc6ppp9znU8grRTTBkxkVUsPtQiVBDQBr8kpUlYbRrXF6od7.DsZeo+xp5uf9qnOu+CnG6IgYF1IozTPpEQd.w4l8m8wmui8zQvsIAAbAxnPuQ9DjwiM6NhIGVaHlxPspiLVzbmC6bvQ8PUG4iCBHNHCib6prZTHOR+68urJ1EyrIwpPni4TaxdTOpLVamseE00sI1gzi5kv601tkMmUi6xCAjjyrLxGaeJd.YerxsELQFOpgCUxEckXII.YjuJ2YT2g7yYQ9eLMfdhKQITA0EFnH0M4tNJDqzhpMj55zYxJN.gLL6Du9yEs9elYapC8J8w6Cep1fUbDI2OLVHM7xkBdURBuxIfWFPxHAjxGAomX10VP8kwVT3YIyVLIQzGCa6IgRjuHie2rFGbfIWwCeJoo.DtJfRqWt7xVvedw2WrX+PlsjxYVb19bI4.VoWT7sEKT7cEstto98yzlZhDbWWhHSypbsXVAVhE5cBQrr0YX2PxUNBa.o2UMm9tZxjtcz5NgibVKFUdfOgMsiBnwaVv+cTq5XIVkJFqC7ymHjTEDLpSNCNWGkXJXVmDbpj6q80ymyTifwRxwmjhREMc4XIkMnGEfJExQehYRUUPWjrrYTrP0sGCfnYqn4qHiNgiENnSFLoVovibbbtT4MUR7h0d4kW9ko0t5X0ZmkjKjwNOYt0q6E9YCy2Vzx54vr8Zpib3y+NqJqsR4kU5pSC7cwiNvVhOiruNqAl6icCHZ66wOGBCTskV7GoQRUVcCsbsv.I2aWA1eH0NHUj0I8wgtxc78IXghKArJEgQFq5BzAvPcHrqwACkWY8sz+1byxarU4Mpn8pGev.WRatCI0HqJagxXFi3pfhV2QAjiI1vQqDX4pYCL1zEK6JG4dsQpSiIofqqGNhJjwyxpSz2f4jXtWu36Pmq1SuJI+a+51nOrhG3Z3Ng.FRS.oXcGa.peRU0qJsYAT4njrx2ZrR2TH9DyNTo8vrw3BYfQnJ6t.ii4x+HyF86Co4X.l2r4Oc2Pbmb5WbJsRerlRFjHhJ2FsS8uwsSMxMqk4TaedOqk4mMVaLhpjUqyEdpgo0T5JZ0FhCtXxJzALtfz3Lfdtjh4.5jV.5eIrXV+fkNuuhhoTEaoMfls.EH3xz6oZYMygNZDYQATcj1XKmRrOXLenW7C7o223S+3noeIyt.0otRPO4etV150vUQr1k.jppMuYQr9G29DqQ2DpGbik.edPpAtKwi1CtRXPRkp6VHH+h9hLI0WCtTQlld+KaBKxLioKVFJzGK1wiGxjoNFjaVuWZpkqoqHR3eFzt4uq5Dj+lcl4u4sc+K5JrZlOn5OmZSgID2ADlSOtZkdPnrjh1dVOhZpQMaB8aXXOPz+eAh9TmBKLAicod9tjFryHtvhTiwmZN9APSzllGqMmw8GxYT6jE4GRjB5fADQRrm4BZGoDdAUrlms8gDWBNIg0Ws8d.QCVnd+zbtWT4e78zxLe8ElQv0RcF15+uMnyc+tA8g7P02vnMFNDdAvSrenWWnunMY7CdUbGFKnpxijKqjiZLxbzBpuFwXiUTxFiMVYhw6MygG1VveicDyqpVXQsFXuko+BmELaqjspfzrwPblkWoLxCX2eissJM90.AZ1wr5bDy2LGwr1bDy2NGwr9bDyFyQLaNyXTMV2ITx8hJqAEcZnaQYXzfggJDc0D5ufq7JlQ
@ps Did you follow @jonhallur link about setting up a special MIDI out channel in Ableton?
@d-healey yes - same as with any other plugin I use midi out in live with :/
@ulrik very interesting what you are doing here - the way you setup ableton is def not how it is intended to be. haha
Are you compiling as MIDI FX or AUDIO Fx? -
@d-healey Export as FX.
@ulrik compiled your project exactly the same setup but doesn't work.
This is killing me haha
Are you inputting notes with a keyboard? -
@ps compile as audio fx, yes keyboard
@ulrik I'm on the Master code from yesterday
@ulrik does it work when drawing notes or using the computer keyboard as input?
@ps I don't know, have not tried yet
@ps Yes it's working
@ulrik ok i also added the floating tile keyboard and nothing... everything looks the same as on your end but no midi from the fx plugin...
can you do me the massive favor and check the snippet I posted a few posts above and see if it works for you as vst3 instrument.
Also your plugin works in plugin host but not in ableton for me so if my snippet works for you also in the daw and you are able to route midi out of the instrument and record the generated midi on an empty midi track ( it should be a# notes only whatever you input) there is something super strange going on on my end but I also might get some ideas.
@ps I'll do that
@ps Ok, compiled as VST3, works here!
@ulrik you must be kidding me!!!
What could be different on your side?
You have been able to record the generated midi (a# note) -
@ps the os, the preferences inside Hise, the settings in Hise Projucer file?
I'm on MacOs 13.0, using the Master code from yesterday, I'll check the Hise projucer settings, hold on...