Scriptnode Compilation – How to get compiled nodes to appear in HardcodedMasterFX
@Casey-Kolb The .xml files are the DspNetworks networks, check in the
folder, there should be a .h file for every node.You need to enable
for each network. If you start the compilation it will show all nodes that are to be compiled:Make sure to use the correct build config (Debug/Release) that matches your HISE build configuration. After the compilation and restarting HISE you can verify that the nodes are compiled with Tools -> Show DLL info. It should look something like this:
@Christoph-Hart Nice one! Will give that a shot
@Christoph-Hart Getting closer! I was able to load it up in the HardcodedMasterFX module, but the parameter is appearing as "plainUnNamed" with the wrong Min/Max.
@Casey-Kolb Yeah that happens if you have no parameter at the root. Your pan parameter must be on the root chain:
@Christoph-Hart Ok, got it! I figured that might be the issue. Thank you!
@Casey-Kolb BTW, I also fixed the wrong default build configuration (so if you're running in Release mode, it will use this as default). One roadblock less...
Is the HardcodedMasterFX the only way for swapping the process chain of the custom nodes? For example:-
Node A > Node B > Node C
Node B > Node C > Node A
Node C > Node A > Node B
... etc.
@orange It's definitely the most robust way and you can do it via script using the same API as with the older Slot FX module.
@Christoph-Hart That's fantastic!
@Christoph-Hart @orange [SOLVED] - relinking xcode to the terminal via xcode/settings/locations
i am having the same issue on mac, i moved my project from win to mac, everything seems to work i cleared the win dlls and build new mac dylibs but i cant load them into my HardcodedMasterFX Error, No DLL Loaded. (no network shows up)
This is an error I get on compiling the dlls:
even after xcode-select-p is right
xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.