Can't export (compiled DSP network as dll) plugin on Windows
The current HISE can't export the plugin that uses a compiled dll DSP network on Windows 10.
I compiled the DSP on a mac M1 and also compiled the plugin on M1 mac successfully. But I can't compile the same plugin on Windows, any hints?
I am getting this on Windows:
... include_juce_graphics.cpp include_juce_gui_extra.cpp include_juce_opengl.cpp include_juce_product_unlocking.cpp Press any key to continue . . .
@harris-rosendahl That's too little information. Try to search something red...
@Christoph-Hart Sorry, the error is this, I think it's about one of the latest commits:
\hi_dsp_library\node_api\nodes\processors.h(1238): error C2039: 'hasTail': is not a member of 'NH_Saturate_impl::instance<1>' (compiling source file ..\..\..\AdditionalSourceCode\nodes\factory.cpp)
Also I've re-compiled the DSP networks as dll on this Windows machine separately. Then the plugin is exported successfully.
Do we need to compile the networks on mac & Windows machines separately?
@harris-rosendahl If you export a DspNetwork it will create a copy of the C++ nodes in the
directory. You can then take these files and compile it on the other OS without having to recompile the DspNetwork (but if you want to actually use the compiled network on macOS within HISE you'll have to recompile it obviously).In this case there I've added a API change to the C++ code, so you needed to reexport the nodes because of the change, not the different OS.
@Christoph-Hart Good to know that thank you!