Reverse AudioWaveForm display?
Is this possible? Either directly referencing the reversed sample (Sampler has Reverse enabled), or just like rotating/flipping it manually using LAF?
@iamlamprey @Casey-Kolb mentioned this to me a while ago and I don't think it's possible yet
@DanH Dangit, thanks for letting me know.
@iamlamprey I remember when reworking the reverse playback a few months ago that there were too many implications and side effects that came from inverting the x-axis when reversing samples (the sample start area needs to be put at the end, the crossfade loop area needs a different path, etc), so in the end I opted for just inverting the playpack position instead of the whole waveform.
Why not to grab the sample in a buffer and reverse it? Maybe not too much overhead if they are short enough?