last build (1.1.2) compilation errors
To be precise my project has the same problem than this simple project (just a sampler module and an empty interface).
i created this simple project to test if i made mistake in my own project. but the twice works in standalone, but in VST No (in reaper, studio one -> freeze/crash, Bitwig and Sonar just refuse to load/show it)link (GDrive): link text
HiseSnippet 1046.3oc2W0saaaCElJ1bHNoaXsKWrK8E6hTzNC4zt0BzKp+IIEAKNQyJHn20wPQaSDIRAJJ24Nr2o8.zK5KwteOB8MX6PIKKpTuDarr0g5KLDOGdH+N+9I4ojTVRhTgb19rYwLjycv9yD5I8mP3BzQ6ib1D6oXILMp2rXRRBK.43T6EFsNMpix989m2iDRDTVoHD5bImxNlGw0kR857C7vvCIAry3QV69wcNhJE8kgxT.I0vtnXB8RxX1IDy11.ilxYuNA43hezdsTW19h2zsk4WOye8aM83V6adxyu0nrGZ05kGz5AO3TDMUoXB84f4HGryeB+bvGDv0RkulnYvYh6ICl4OQ9ZQ9UeNOgeQHyrnMxGvTt3CkgAFm277QBMSMhPYVlg5OgGF3UDPSPvI6UFdqkGd2AOfGvWHuLL+kYJZVZgc31YipPtdEH29lgb6kAOGK3UOGd2E6SU7XcoFC11Fuvgq.q78hbdKtuD1fP2JhbI6PErXgA61dOW2G17Itt2+YiRETMWJZJEmH0rSE6d+s9ksZr0ut0U0LZzxTYtEkLLjoVlVSIk5ZLaWQZzEL0CaNkDlxJ1GDcpFa2d0hszbO1ZiRwQBt9zX1701Q+BGtPqKZgiZKpzAskl4XKYakh9vjKZdFwzz8AYYnVSFjFRzUK.MM0yU.AtJYZS5Tjv0yra5WipR2UtpbUg6cwdbMcxxw6FKAuPA++13cdO9miOXzHFUWB153Ce4saCs6M.kcxgx8v9ZEiDwEi8IQwPgUFdZfKVcKLT+mV4g5.QRnjD3yei01dWmdoP3RUU5u0I6p5FISEUtq4.eHKlQzP1uvl+3q9weu6vguPISiupUu+4Y0Jmo.REHRXq3TgYFt11G6qjIIi.2I6rRrU4kpFahUkRFxlxTIUkcRZDj5EBVngcwwADki5Aj3Lxrqx.s4pk8Ay8HvoZsyd7wVGsQR0lXqstvsNi.msEw0MvR7YeDHwt8GW7Oe5VsUCt2.OaiBL5yMosCDSgVBPR9Hs8YiHog5ERsA4.oPFOQJ3zp0eZEe7XlxF5K0e5p0P4eojc5LjExHIVMceSmi4BFQY0Vstgh1qdn35RWeMNGtMMiTZ9oAoTsOgHkt8CcewbJolvsqz+OOOeGbF2PSCo2GKnNTlpAxrADX.vOCTJ.qiOvzRY1bOaX3yxW6ZVa.jOSD3V7wPyU1dAQEnrcgRDs3n.ea9y6SzD.SLggEI6csBAJvP6R5DfO2.IfoCkjkTiLrS0MQNPlOYJKeBSNd9aIsGvodRHXB8QlgN3m8eiSGQnJ4qn4uisw02LSBf.Q1Wi1.OvrtYaT1GRjmrh.duWQoltpuERWK2h8VaKdzZawiWaK9t01huess3IqsEO8Zrv7RFcS0xn7YrHze0MguwI
Well, I need the samples to check this. You can simply send me a link to one of your samples to if you don't want them out in the open :)
no problem for giving samples, but as i wrote before with and without samples it's the same thing. That's why i din't use samples for this simple example.are you just explain me that i must "remake" the samplemaps and hlac files ? not the same beetween 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 ?
for me the problem is not the samples. it's just the 1.1.1 vst compiled projects works in all DAWs, the same compiled project with 1.1.2 doesn't work; it crash DAWS
i miss something ?
No problem here to export with version 1.1.2! However, I still can not compile from GitHub....
ok, maybe my 1.1.2 version...
Is it possible to have a compiled 1.1.2 version (with standalone app for working) ?
will try with it my project -
Sorry guys, I am currently in over my head finalizing a huge project that is going to be released on Friday. I'll promise I'll clean up the codebase and make everything smooth again next week.
Good luck with your project Christoph!
Thanks, mate. BTW, you wanna beta-test? :)
apparently it was a problem of several circumstances.
1- bad compilation. recompilation done <- just repaired the sampler module problem.
2- the construction of the project with the settings and scripts of the 1.1.1, some of which have changed on 1.2.2: therefore incompatible.
3- presets made with 1.1.1 not compatible with 1.1.2 new settings. if used with new VST/project -> error/bug/crash/ shot down in flame.the samples are not in question because I just tested them in a new project created only with the version 1.1.2 recompiled and it works.
I think I'll have to start the project from the beginning (from scratch), not update it.
and again with that I'm not sure to solve the problem.seems that you changed the LFO speed steps, also same thing for arpeggiator, and few minor things in many modules. if using all of that in project, it must be redone, not updated.
I will try and keep you informed.
Yes, sounds fun
Wow, I'm looking forward to Friday!
P.S. Christoph Hart, I am sending you a message!
found problem with:-
background images (in OnInit because created with 1.1.1 and duplicated in UI JSON DATA with 1.1.2) -> so that create problem with vst.
presets problem (i already wrote this before) -> i must recreate it.
GUI size -> If i chosse height larger than 700+40 (708 or 710+40) -> vst crash/Daw freeze at vst analysis. So i kept 700+40.
last thing that everybody knows but me -> before compiling again = erase all folders in Binaries. i just erased the compiled folder. So made conflict.
for now, without new presets, it works (updated version from 1.1.1 with modified settings of new functions)
of course will test it again before saying "problem solved" until finished.
First off, I realize it's been a while since I've been using this software, and I'm starting to get myself back into it, now.
That being said, I'm also having issues with building HISE from the current source, even if hopefully because I currently have to use the minimum required Mac version (10.7). My errors, however, have to do with the linking of the universal binaries after compiling the source code. Something about the HISE binary data (i.e. icons) in all cases.
As it is, now, I've only changed three things within the source code for my own purposes:
disabled IPP, which is necessary if it's not installed, anyway.
changed the interpolation method for sample playback, which I confirmed in a build I have saved of 1.0.0 works.
edited "juce_AudioPluginInstance.h" by omitting one of its protected functions, which, for the 1.0.0 build, was somehow necessary to compile correctly on this particular OS version.
I even tried reverting the sample interpolation method to see if that was the problem, but, for better or for worse, it wasn't.
Any thoughts? I can provide an image showing the errors if necessary.
UPDATE: still haven’t figured out a fix, but I WAS able to diagnose a bit further: it appears that the problematic binary data is that which is referenced in the source code as binary data outside the modules in a simply-named BinaryData namespace. Unfortunately, attempts to merge the binary data with the modules also proved fruitless, leading me to believe it has something to do with either how that particular data is called, or the possibility that the data itself is corrupted somehow.
UPDATE #2: managed to temporarily fix it by adding the BinaryData namespace contents to the module namespaces. I would still advise it be looked into for the sake of those who are neither tech saavy nor resilient.
going to the news:
repared all that i wrote before. result:
studio one: OK
reaper: Ok
Ableton Live : ok BUT if you first launch (creating the folder in c/users/appdata/etc...) with Live. if you first launch in another daw and after opening Live : Bug !
Sonar & bitwig: NO ! do what you want boy, but we only accept the 1.1.1 version !
difference beetween 1.1.1 & 1.1.2 version , (instead of updated modules settings) = the script from "musicbox" with the settings, tooltips,presets and samples menus. In 1.1.1, in the VST versions the setting menu disapear. In 1.1.2 this menu is visible; but seems to create problems with some DAWs.
Some scripts in the SettingButton.js that 1.1.2/ VST version is not supported by this ones.
not tested other DAWS (reason, cubase, etc. ...)