Lottie Animations Quality Drops In Hise
@d-healey said in Lottie Animations Quality Drops In Hise:
es From Lottie Webiste.
A Made A Simple one In After Effect :/ Same Result
useless -
are Those Instruments Made By Hise?
https://www.mntra.io/ ?Table Controls Are Very Similar To One In Hise
@d-healey Looks Nice :)
hey @Natan ! did you ever figure out the cause of this? some lottie in hise looks really really good but other stuff thats even less complicated doesnt work at all or crashes hise :(
@Adam_G Lottie is not a "real" standard and the C++ library that is used in HISE (RLottie) might fail with some features, so it will be always trial and error...
@Christoph-Hart i understand. im just curious if anyone has come up with a 'best practices' for it by now
@Adam_G trial and error is the best practice here :)
Here is a list of all supported features when you export a Lottie from After Effects, this will give you a rough estimate on what might work:
GitHub - Samsung/rlottie: A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation.
A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation. - GitHub - Samsung/rlottie: A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation.
GitHub (github.com)
@Christoph-Hart thanks! :)