VU meter from "six state button" tutorial?
i have been scouring the documentation and it seems that i can create a traditional output custom VU meter from the six state button tutorial but replacing the mouse click callbacks to alter the filmstrip display using the Synth.getCurrentLevel() however i dont quite know how to do it this is what i have so far. im guessing i have to change the var offset to the synth get current level and remove the mouse call back. can anyone edit this so it will trigger the 128 frame vu filmstrip based on sampler output?
namespace VuMeter
inline function createWidget(name, x, y)
local widget = Content.addPanel(name, x, y);Content.setPropertiesFromJSON(name, { "width": 130, "saveInPreset": 1, "allowCallbacks": "Clicks & Hover", "opaque": 1, "stepSize": "1" }); = 0; = 0; = 0; = 65; widget.setPaintRoutine(function(g) { var offset = this.getValue() ? 1 : 0; if( offset += 2; else if( offset += 4; g.drawImage("filmstrip",[0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()], 0, offset *; }); widget.setMouseCallback(function(event) { if(event.clicked) { = true; this.repaint(); } else if(event.mouseUp) { = false; setButtonValue(this, 1 - this.getValue()); this.changed(); } else { = event.hover; this.repaint(); } }); return widget; }; inline function loadFilmStrip(p, image, heightPerFilmstrip) { p.loadImage(image, "filmstrip"); = heightPerFilmstrip; }; inline function update(p, value) { p.setValue(value); p.changed(); p.repaint(); } inline function setButtonValue(p, value) { p.setValue(value); p.repaint(); }
// Create two buttons
const var b1 = VuMeter.createWidget("b1", 0, 0);// Load the image file
VuMeter.loadFilmStrip(b1, "{PROJECT_FOLDER}VU_meter_128_frames.png", 50);function onNoteOn(){}
function onNoteOff(){}
function onController(){}
function onTimer(){}function onControl(number, value)
// Update the buttons in the onControl callback
VuMeter.update(number, value);