Displaying notification from my server via API
I have a script that checks my server and reads a js file via API for the latest version. If a newer version if found, it is supposed to display a notification button, which when clicked displays a panel with text pulled from the server.
In the console, I can see that the API is working correctly and the response is correct. It shows all the data from the js file.
However, I am doing something wrong here, as I am getting an error and the button won't show.Here is what I have onInit:
//-----------Notifications based on current version number------- const var VersionLabel = Content.getComponent("VersionLabel"); reg versionNumber= Engine.getVersion(); //pull the current version# from the software VersionLabel.set("text", "v "+versionNumber); //display the current version on the interface reg vn= versionNumber.split('.'); //Turn the current version number into an array; const var p = { "request": "version" }; reg an; reg NotificationURL; Server.setBaseURL("https://subdomain.mywebsite.com"); Server.callWithGET("/world_percussion_version", p, function(status, response) { Synth.startTimer(10); an = response; Console.print(trace(response)); }); const var NotificationMessage = Content.getComponent("NotificationMessage"); const var NotificationTitle = Content.getComponent("NotificationTitle");
The problem is onTimer:
function onTimer() { if(isDefined(an)){ Synth.stopTimer(); Console.print("Timer stopped"); //Setting variables from server information NotificationMessage.set("text", an["NotificationMessage"]); NotificationTitle.set("text", an["NotificationTitle"]); NotificationURL = an["NotificationURL"]; var newVersion = an["version"].split('.'); //Comparing versions if (newVersion[0] > vn[0] || (newVersion[0] == vn[0] && newVersion[1] > vn[1]) || (newVersion[0] == vn[0] && newVersion[1] == vn[1] && newVersion[2] > vn[2])){ UpdateButton.showControl(true); } } }
I receive the following error
Interface:! onTimer() - Line 8, column 32: Illegal operation in audio thread: HeapBlock allocation
What am I missing/doing wrong here?
I should note that a developer I hired, made this work, but that she was using a standalone HISE through Visual Studio. It is not working for me using the plugin version of HISE (latest Scriptnode).
Thank you!
- Don't use the inbuilt timer callback, it's for real-time event processing.
- Why do you use a timer at all? Just put the logic into the server callback.
@Christoph-Hart Thank you so much! I can't believe that I actually made it work just by following your advice :) Seems like I am beginning to understand things. Thank you so much