Building for Catalina
New in JUCE 6. They are now requiring the use of juce:: to reduce name collisions when using multiple libraries.
If you add:
using namespace juce
to the JuceHeader.h, it will remove the need to use juce::
There's also a setting in projucer that will do it for you.
HISE is still JUCE 5
@d-healey That's only if he used the version of Projucer distributed with HISE. He may have downloaded and used JUCE6 to compile HISE.
First of all, apologies for my delayed response.
d.healey is correct about one thing: I don't have any JUCE 6 installations on this particular computer. When I said the SDK, I was referring to the macOS Catalina SDK, and I know it's a problem with that because using an older SDK (i.e. for Mojave) circumvents this problem.
Also, just to clarify: the latest version I have of Projucer is 5.4.7, and I didn't even use that for my current build.
@dustbro Having looked at this whole message now, that’s good to know there’s an automated way to update the class names in the cpp files. Will make use of that next time I try building.
@Cyberdyne387 I see, I think others have got around the problem by using an older version of XCode.
@d-healey said in Building for Catalina:
@Cyberdyne387 I see, I think others have got around the problem by using an older version of XCode.
Well, again, I did make it work on my end with the current version of XCode by specifying what classes for Points instead of leaving them ambiguous. I just brought this up to see if Christoph is willing to update the code to address this.
@Cyberdyne387 Do the changes affect people who aren't using Catalina? If not, then I'm all for it.
@d-healey That's the other reason why I bring this up: I don't know for certain. My guess is it won't affect other platforms since the only difference is that I explicitly specify which Point class the code is referring to, which, evidently, was JUCE's anyway.