plug-ins vs standAlones
Is there some sort of compiler flag/pragma I can use to add/ remove cod e depending on the compile I'm doing?
Theres a bunch of settings stuff that only applies to stand-alones and right now I'm having to keep two versions of my product: plug-in and standAlone...
@Lindon yes, use Engine.isPlugin(); in an if statement.
@d-healey Ok missed that thanks. but not quite what I wanted. I actually wanted to remove some code from the code base (or conditionally add it in..)
@Lindon There are several flags that can be switched in the HISE core module via projucer but I'm not sure what they will break when disabled :) No way to access them conditionally through HISE script though.
@d-healey OK thanks. I'll live with the in-app switch I guess...
Which flags are you talking about?