Global Modulator And filter in Master chain? But how?
@Natan-Rezaei More details required
@d-healey I Exported my project as A FX Plugin.
All Effects That I Inserted in Container , Does Nothing at all When i export The project as FX PLUGIN.
HiseSnippet 972.3oc6YssTTCCFNY2MJLCvfHCi5nyz68vPUDObiUVXYXDzEWDzwKXBsA1LllTaSQ2mBeH7NeK7MvGAeD3V8FMosrsKryZKvhrn8hNM+I+Me8+3W1stuvlDDH7AvgWqkGA.GA0nEW1rZSLkCVZd.bLzJ3.Iw2HVzbs7vAADG.DVdQs.3vU.QW68j4vLL2ljJB.VWPsIKScoxTo0sdFkwpgcHqQcyr5YrVxVvqJXhPEdJilF3gseGdGxyw5kUBAfWXAGpT32Phkj..rxbBmVMZJ9.Od8qSCnawH5AlfFpWTr3ZBliFw5mAUaRYN02+6N.ndo0SsBkisBShVg5PaKO0ZLdzDFoZj0d.K0K3YlEdS2U3Y1E3AxftJwnSABgSHCK6DYZ2QxDTQmdpk3RBOfJak0c8WEtWBUmJsa1c7VpK3U4n523Mw4OJZgs2lXKSAaETsWe55oGJFJWCsHSrElkZ.EboBUD+HbcijoMZOuQ6EX1iT0uk2TUubmpBKmaKhYtsHvJmKRMu7gbSAmnYmEnVGLCjGMFxHzx0dQhET8TJHM+yfrlO48gDtcFgCYoCWVJMZy5SVaf2krsv2MdCSUeYxNpMJqj0HtdBUGH6rQlMbEBYSJemNCBmzZYgvaANVYFbx9RpFFHEt6uoQcNZHIdyikX.7snYm4Npqsuo99ipptcuWbxLFbr8YcMInTtCyztu19Isi7LdSfXD2NHZ..w8rsU4+Maa8RQnTkbtBV5S+npdxyCcan5KXSTHgyIL0Fgfk.ZUiFOsdbTdMg6DM3WpqjIM0igISZt+jco03gHpNBJW8916zt22QkVZk+SK8+zR6a42EHPLa+mjSINAptf0xqofSsqQYxD9nCihGzq7O.3fjF99mm5KVqlMDPY9yjvcEqUCwrLV8e9C5Wmi5IXX+iqG4HxEsWgPSg5ngV+Ht+HR3Kox40SnipKqsN1mh4x1eFQeAF6yWUuBijkTHdguJfrFNBr5ErKwWFu3Hgw7vTjxT0q4p.Zs0AdqdcTlGe.do8EGb9KQnCnMFXJocUTRtRDQqAGbOFZ0yVf8hsIdPc8XjESAZr.CsjdW5adBC2QopMnNxloBdiUWHmbP5EkyWz9wnDV+MDu.0b6CUut6YtpWGY+Ydyjl.EE2M3j5OAJJuXvAviipiOKzR3z3nXmW1CWrsuXS0Q4j9BltXyPQRT1Vdz+2vvnUziMLA6hYgIdBW0wr1z1Vy891JOP203tEVi6UXMlovZb+BqwrEViGTXMdXOzPel1mFJEtw4TJA0WHt7Kr8u5GrL32vnbngK
@Natan-Rezaei There's no interface script
@d-healey The snippet above is Just For Demonstration.
Even With All my GUI And graphics , Nothing changes , The problem is Just like the Snippet.Putting Effects in Container Does nothing when I Export my FX plugin.
Am i need to route or do anything to connect the containers ? -
@Natan-Rezaei I can't see a problem with the snippet you posted so I'm not sure how else to assist you. What OS are you exporting on?
@d-healey I'm on Win 10 .
Nothing Is Wrong with the snippet i Know , But With This scenario Everything works okey When i Export As an Instrument , But using Global modulator and Putting Effects in Container Does Nothing With Fx plugin (Export).Have You exported the Snippet as Fx plugin?
Can you hear any Thing ? -
@Natan-Rezaei Yeah I just tried it. I don't hear any effect either, perhaps global LFOs don't work in effects plugins... I'm not sure.
@d-healey Thanks David , So Is there any simple solution to Link 3 Lfos For
1 Lfo For Hp Filter
1 Lfo For Lp Filter
1 Lfo For Gain ?And The knobs are
Fade in
Mix -
@Natan-Rezaei simple solution = scripting
Fx plugins only use the master chain FX no child sound generators allowed.
@Christoph-Hart Thank you dear Christoph
@d-healey Dear David ,A Quick question , How can i link A table to Control Two Tables in lfo Modulator 1 and Lfo Modulator 2?Here is the snippet
HiseSnippet 1064.3oc6X8zaaaCEmz1bsNconMsnn6lNlh0UXml00gcXpwNtvXwINyYscXGJXkniHBEolDUZMF18caek12g8EYeC1HojknSzbialGb.pNHn26wG4u2+kzvXgGIIQDCfMOZRDA.+TznIbYPm.LkC52E.uIZ.NQRhcxXsyjHbRBwG.g0etlArYCf45u91cvLL2iTxB.dgf5Q1iFRkkbG59cTFqG1mbDMzZ0a612Sv6HXhTEdpiZAhvdmfOlrOVurZH.7S10mJEwijXIIA.arivexn.wa4Yq+EzD5aXDMQavH0Fkwtmf4qQrlKnS.k4Obpcm.T6xvRuP8LuvcQCn9zB9kdiaYD3Tpgs+.VadvqsM7ZcwgGzBdMxf2sQi7hoQxRIZrcCTetJPMFqBA1vJas.3ef5HTKfKeTH9DRuXEQgBatUqVOzQc6Aey3TtmjJ3NB99BI4.9lOXseYslq8qq4bVQiGWoL8wDKXLRbkh0Q834o3l7zv2PhenyoXVJoXgJyeV+6M928u1geuLq1ZgBdeNUdPDIm1NBL0pmJsEnvXsYUZi1bMlVEKqj04Cvf7nhNTmubkkJMA50yCzGg01EUAwqiLO2FX7M1kZ9XI1Tk.9g9c0OmuepsVcbQjXIU6zfcImppIyRjZh5RRNQJhLqMLRv0.Ads26o+N6SdhMwao9xfRFT2.B83.oMmnoVeeecE0d8NvYfvOkgUwVUIv4y2UUcSkaWJp6+jKPk+LSNuNwlmPkSr6OsTpOunv81ngToWP03sVE3UE+V13Mua25ncGOl3IKAaCTuW8g1Zq5NuUk4CqM7bye1.MTvlDEH3TudTlp8jAPMQYDsmy.H.nWL4mSIbuRu3u8mtGZmBnb+VEM228vTL6Ld8cnQBFN9xFQV.2PiKXJz8PEFnyRJueAPs8bo0yPMRWKmWbdlp52KHOerC33peIg9kgX2e28k3SIiEwg48uJBj6QNVcP1a3QDU+L0Ky3YG.GEJDx.J+3Ye0i65tmPDsKW2by2dS5jlHEgSOTS60QRRjo+J7mPOY6GotF+456ecG0sGev+MzfkeA27xztiI7UDmzAxU71qYHdl5iU9AB51WNWYFf8Yn7NiFu7UGbeSzgqVf8ZEeoEMLhQddIPyX3n4L+AccIL7LCld4ru00O5Vw2hAqOqgU+h0R4RLvZ4lhujlUs0GmUcImU8gmX8w4SqNHdCjoKyUmF8afLcAu5.3agFhWEdAfuWjJUsYFfkwT0G1i1OMbjHM1infJmSXpCBAqo+SEYzszzlNTDtug3uUW4Baqog4BaOU3+KmQH1KV7Zur+ghtcx0MbT1M27GDahFnocJ94IZeSH0m9ZOO8279EJuS0Zr0BqwiWXM1dg03KWXMdxBqwWsvZ7z4ng9mm9rT0Tpr7cEig6lMeBVLPCVG7OrJRdCJ
@Natan-Rezaei has to be scripted
@d-healey i need a Small light , Cant figure out Since this is All new For me
Any Advice? -
@Natan-Rezaei said in Global Modulator And filter in Master chain? But how?:
Any Advice?
Read every piece of documentation, twice, and refer back to it often. Experiment and have patience. When you've got to a point where you can't go any further then post your code and let others help you get to the next stage (at least that's what I do).
@orange said in One slider pack controls two modulators?:
Yes exactly. When we tweak the step bars from a SliderPack, the both of two modulator's steps waveform will be controlled.@d-healey
Yes exactly. When we tweak the step bars from a SliderPack, the both of two modulator's steps waveform will be controlled.Looks like i Stocked With This linked Tables , Right?
@Natan-Rezaei I don't understand, what do slider packs have to do with knobs?
@d-healey I try to link One table To 2 Custom shape ( tables ) in Lfo Modulator.
Look like Orange Failed And some where i read that Christoph Mentioned That it's not possibe.I use SetAtterbiute , And every time The Code gives An error
@Natan-Rezaei Yeah I don't think it's possible. The table control doesn't trigger a callback.