Drums 3k
@hisefilo Thanks Buddy almost done with it, I'll give a copy as soon as I finished so you can test it out and use it
@Jay Congrats! Sound good. How did you record drum samples?
@orange in the Studio, with a lot of tweaking too, this is crazy with so many drums plugin out there, but just trying to make something affordable and good sounding for everyone. I'm glad you like it.
p.s. I have used your sweetcase ep piano, it sound awesome, I think I recorded a song with it.
@Jay Sounds and looks great, congratulations!
@Jay Well done, mate!
Well done Jay, hope you do well with this =)
@Dalart thanks buddy
@Jay just seeing and seeing this video :) The only thing I can tell is not at a Pro level is logo. Need to be improved. I can try something if you want
@hisefilo go ahead man, be my guest, do it
@hisefilo yessssss, thanks dude, I really appreciate it
@Jay :) u r welcome
@Jay super old thread I know…but how did you get your animated drums for this? I’m rebuilding a drum library I created in another software and I want to have my drums have this look and feel…if anyone else knows I’m open to the knowledge as well!
@johnmike I'm using Blender for my 3D modeling and animations
@Dan-Korneff dope…yea I recently just got into blender….how does that translate into HISE tho?
@Jay Nice Job man!...I wish you the best.