Drums 3k
Well done Jay, hope you do well with this =)
@Dalart thanks buddy
@Jay just seeing and seeing this video :) The only thing I can tell is not at a Pro level is logo. Need to be improved. I can try something if you want
@hisefilo go ahead man, be my guest, do it
@hisefilo yessssss, thanks dude, I really appreciate it
@Jay :) u r welcome
@Jay super old thread I know…but how did you get your animated drums for this? I’m rebuilding a drum library I created in another software and I want to have my drums have this look and feel…if anyone else knows I’m open to the knowledge as well!
@johnmike I'm using Blender for my 3D modeling and animations
@Dan-Korneff dope…yea I recently just got into blender….how does that translate into HISE tho?
@Jay Nice Job man!...I wish you the best.