Simple Envelope - release not working
OK I have a drum sound in a sampler - with a simple envelope attached to manage GainModulation - the Attack works fine - but the release doesnt work at all.
I suspect this has something to do with the fact I am triggering note playback in my Samplers midi processor - on note call back thus:
function onNoteOn() { Message.ignoreEvent(true); Synth.playNote(Globals.triggerNote, Message.getVelocity()); Console.print("playing trigger note:" + Globals.triggerNote); }
I suspect here that this is because there is no corresponding note off event for my script triggered play_note. Do I need to keep the play_note noteID in some Global(again) spot and issue a note off for it? Or is there some other way in the note off I can get to the id of my internally triggered note?
I guess I'm thinking of KSP play_note(some note, some velo, some offset, -1)
Where "-1" means "releasing the note which started the callback stops the sample"
@Lindon I don't see a need to use a global to create the note off (unless you need to turn if off in another script) just a reg variable should be fine. If you want 1 ID per note then use a MIDIList instead.
function onInit() { reg noteId; } function onNoteOn() { Message.ignoreEvent(true); noteId = Synth.playNote(Globals.triggerNote, Message.getVelocity()); Console.print("playing trigger note:" + Globals.triggerNote); } function onNoteOff() { Synth.noteOffByEventId(noteId); }
Another option