Compiling DSP Networks failing on Windows
@d-healey Thanks Dave, yes I deleted all folders, Binaries, DspNetworks Binaries, and AdditionalSourceCode...
Here's the error a wee bit expanded and clearer:
!C:\Users\greg\Documents\HISE\hi_dsp_library\node_api\helpers\parameter.h(525,2): error C2280: ' scriptnode::advanced_tuple < scriptnode::parameter::bypass < scriptnode::bypass::smoothed < 20, scriptnode::container::chain < scriptnode::parameter::empty, scriptnode::wrap::fix < 2, scriptnode::math::OpNode < scriptnode::math::Operations::clear, 1 > > > >, scriptnode::ranges::Identity >, scriptnode::parameter::bypass < scriptnode::bypass::smoothed < 20, scriptnode::container::chain < scriptnode::parameter::empty, scriptnode::wrap::fix < 2, scriptnode::math::OpNode < scriptnode::math::Operations::clear, 1 > > > >, scriptnode::ranges::Identity > >::advanced_tuple(void) ':attempting to reference a deleted function [C:\Users\greg\Documents\SonitusMax\DspNetworks\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2022\SonitusMax_DynamicLibrary.vcxproj]
@ustk Same version of HISE on both systems?
@d-healey Both identical, but both are 15 commits behind... Trying to update both computers to latest commit...
I should mention that my Windows machine is an Intel iMac (bootcamp, not a VM)
Since running a VM on a macBook ARM doesn't really make sense at the moment, I just reconfigured a real machine yesterday... -
@Christoph-Hart Do you have any idea ?
I tried to compile either of my DSPs but the same errors pops up. So it doesn't seem to be related to my files (and it works on mac anyway...) -
@Christoph-Hart Finally it was the
nodes connected to parameters causing the crash.
It's not the first time I'm having trouble with the soft bypass connection. Also, the warning triangle is always present when connect to those nodes -
@ustk I'm using a version from October 2024, I haven't seen this here.
Maybe it occurred in commits after this date. -
@orange on Windows ? Because it work on mac (or it is just less picky)
Also, all configurations didn’t crash when compiling, it was more when several soft bypass nodes were connected to one parameterThe workaround for me was to make a "rail" of pma nodes inserted between parameters and soft_bypass nodes, keeping a "one pma per node" rule
@ustk Yes, I haven't seen it on Windows either, but I haven't connected more than one soft_bypass node directly to a single parameter.
I usually use the xfade node for multiple parameters (one is bypassed while the other is activated) and it works.
@ustk have you tried building it directly in VS from the AutoGenerated project in the DSP folder?
Also worth trashing any nodes or containers you previously removed (but still appear at the top of the node list when adding a new node with the trash can icon next to them)
@DanH Yes I did, same result... Didn't know about trashing the unused nodes... Have you had strange things happening when they're still around?
@ustk I had a fail, compile report complained of non existent connections, deleted the unused nodes and it worked. However it seems all over the place. I'm using RNBO, custom c++, SNEX and Faust in the same project
It's a lottery if it compiles successfully! Each time it is different