Button to toggle if seperate multi-mic samples are sent to Stereo FX chain?
Has anyone done this?
Edit - I mean different positions of the multimic - I.e 1,2,3 - not seperate samples.I have separate reverbs for each multi-mic but think it would make more sense to have a button that acts as a bus send…
@cassettedeath havwe you watched @d-healey 's video on making a mic mixer - there's stuff there on routing each mic output to different destinations...
I have. Must have missed it. Thanks heaps! -
@cassettedeath I think it might be in the follow up video - which was then(and may still be) only available to patreon subscribers....
@Lindon said in Button to toggle if seperate multi-mic samples are sent to Stereo FX chain?:
only available to patreon subscribers....
Woohoo! Good thing I’m a subscriber
Any video or tip on how you would have a button / switch to toggle between two mic positions?
@cassettedeath Do you mean a mute/solo?
Sort of I suppose - one button for two mic positions -
One button that would switch between the two
The pseudo code would look like:
If button on purge mic 2 and load mic 1 else purge mic 1 and load mic 2.
Go try and do it and see how you get on.
@d-healey you’re a legend !