Play A Synth - Cool online analog synth service
Not related to Hise but hopefully you'll allow it ; )
Just wanted to share this interesting app I encountered.
Play-a-Synth - play hardware synthesizers online
Play synthesizers remotely and sign up your own synthesizers for others to play.
It's a service where people can link up their analog synths (midi controlled) and have users rent them out over the internet. You can control real analog synths remotely in your daw.
They've just started supporting people selling access to their synths, and I know that a few people here have gear. I don't think many people know about this service; it's pretty niche and is in early development.
Just making a post here just in case it was interesting to anyone.
@griffinboy funny. I talked about making something like this a couple of years ago when access-analog started ;) such a good idea. sadly it only works with midi devices I guess. imagine this for really old gear