Whitebox Package Script Update?
Hey @d-healey
I am just familiarizing myself with your game changer video on the script for exporting the plugin and packaging/codesign/notarize/staple the product.
I just noticed that it uses atool for the codesigning, are you still running this? I've always had to use notarytool and was wondering if you have an updated script for it?
Also I don't see a license for this, is it free to use or do you have it as GPL? :)
Fantastic work on this by the way I can't thank you enough.
@HISEnberg Yeah that video's old now. I'm using the notarytool these days, I'll make an updated video at some point, but here's the script I'm using - lots of stuff in it probably isn't relevant to you.
#!/bin/bash project_name="Rhapsody" script_dir="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" project_dir=$script_dir/$project_name hise_source=$script_dir/HISE hise_path=$hise_source"/projects/standalone/Builds/MacOSX/build/Debug/HISE Debug.app/Contents/MacOS/HISE Debug" projucer_path=$hise_source"/tools/projucer/Projucer.app/Contents/MacOS/Projucer" # Codesigning and notarization credentials team_id="" # In the format - My Name (ID number) team_id_for_notarization="" # Just the ID number, no parenthesis for this one apple_id="" app_specific_password="" whitebox_packages="/usr/local/bin/packagesbuild" bundle_id='com.'${project_name// /}'.pkg' # Download HISE cd $script_dir rm -R -f HISE git clone https://github.com/davidhealey/HISE.git cd $hise_source git checkout development # Extract SDKs unzip $script_dir/HISE/tools/SDK/sdk.zip -d $script_dir/HISE/tools/SDK # Build HISE $projucer_path --resave $script_dir/HISE/projects/standalone/HISE\ Standalone.jucer cd $script_dir/HISE/projects/standalone/Builds/MacOSX xcodebuild -project "HISE Standalone.xcodeproj" -configuration Release -jobs 2 | xcpretty # Download Rhapsody cd $script_dir rm -R -f Rhapsody git clone --recurse-submodules https://codeberg.org/LibreWave/Rhapsody.git # Build Rhapsody version=$(grep "<Version" "$project_dir/project_info.xml" | cut -d'"' -f2) output=$script_dir/output # Create output directory rm -R -f $output mkdir $output # Create and enter binaries dir mkdir -p "$project_dir/Binaries" cd "$project_dir/Binaries" || exit # Build the binaries "$hise_path" set_hise_folder -p:"$hise_source" "$hise_path" set_project_folder -p:"$project_dir" chmod +x "$projucer_path" echo Building the standalone app "$hise_path" export_ci "XmlPresetBackups/$project_name.xml" -t:standalone -p:"" chmod +x ./batchCompileOSX sh ./batchCompileOSX cp -R "./Compiled/$project_name.app" "$output/$project_name.app" "$hise_path" export_ci "XmlPresetBackups/$project_name.xml" -t:instrument -p:VST_AU chmod +x "./batchCompileOSX" sh "./batchCompileOSX" cp -R "./Builds/MacOSX/build/Release/$project_name.vst3" "$output/$project_name.vst3" cp -R "./Builds/MacOSX/build/Release/$project_name.component" "$output/$project_name.component" echo "Codesigning Standalone" codesign --remove-signature "$output/$project_name.app" codesign --deep --force --options runtime --sign "Developer ID Application: $team_id" "$output/$project_name.app" echo "Codesigning Plugin" codesign --remove-signature "$output/$project_name.vst3" codesign --remove-signature "$output/$project_name.component" codesign -s "Developer ID Application: $team_id" "$output/$project_name.vst3" --timestamp codesign -s "Developer ID Application: $team_id" "$output/$project_name.component" --timestamp echo "Build Installer" cp "$script_dir/License.txt" "$output/License.txt" cp "$script_dir/template.pkgproj" "$output/$project_name.pkgproj" file="$output/$project_name.pkgproj" sed -i '' "s/%COMPANY_NAME_NO_SPACES%/$(echo "$company_name" | sed 's/ //g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/g" $file sed -i '' "s/%VERSION%/$version/g" $file sed -i '' "s/%COMPANY_NAME%/$company_name/g" $file sed -i '' "s/%PROJECT_NAME%/$project_name/g" $file sed -i '' "s/%PROJECT_NAME_NO_SPACES%/$(echo "$project_name" | sed 's/ //g')/g" $file cd "$output" $whitebox_packages $file productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: $team_id" "$output/build/$project_name.pkg" "$output/$project_name Installer $version.pkg" echo "Cleanup" rm -rf "$script_dir/build" echo "Notarizing" response=$(xcrun notarytool submit --apple-id "$apple_id" --password "$app_specific_password" --team-id "$team_id_for_notarization" "$output/$project_name Installer $version.pkg" --wait); # Get notarization ID job_id_line=$(grep -m 1 ' id:' < <(echo -e "${response}")) job_id=$(echo "${job_id_line}" | cut -d ":" -s -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2) # Get the notarization status from the response status_line=$(grep -m 1 ' status:' < <(echo -e "${response}")) status_result=$(echo "${status_line}" | cut -d ":" -s -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2) echo "${response}" if [[ ${status_result} != "Accepted" ]]; then exit 1 fi # Staple the notarization result echo "Adding notarization to $project_name Installer $version.pkg" success=$(xcrun stapler staple "$output/$project_name Installer $version.pkg") if [[ -z "${success}" ]]; then echo "[ERROR] Could not staple notarization to app" exit 1 fi # Confirm stapling echo "Checking notarization to $project_name Installer $version.pkg " spctl --assess -vvv --type install "$output/$project_name Installer $version.pkg"
@HISEnberg said in Whitebox Package Script Update?:
Also I don't see a license for this, is it free to use or do you have it as GPL? :)
You don't need a license for the notarytool, it's included with xcode.
@HISEnberg (See the post I just made.)
@d-healey Thank you very much for sharing this, you are too kind.
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