Tap Tempo function
Hi there, does anyone have an idea how I could script a tap tempo function or if it is even possible? Like the tempo tapper in FL (see picture). To adjust the speed of the effects to the tempo. Thanks
@treynterrio You would need to record the time each "tap" occurs and then average the differences and convert that to a tempo value.
@d-healey said in Tap Tempo function:
You would need to record the time each "tap" occurs and then average the differences and convert that to a tempo value.
that sounds complicated :D how could I record the tempo?
@treynterrio Each time the button is clicked you compare the current Engine uptime with the last Engine uptime and store the difference in an array. Then after you've got enough values you average them all and convert that to a tempo.
To convert them to a tempo you have to calculate the BPM from the average. If my maths is correct it would be BPM = 60 / average tap time.