Idiot's guide to compile on MAC
Updating to the latest JUCE + Projucer fixed the issue
I'm having an issue Compiling AAX on mac.... and I think it's just a permissions problem. Anyone have some tips to fix this?
error: unable to create directory '/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Test.aaxplugin/Contents/Resources'
error: unable to create directory '/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Test.aaxplugin/Contents/MacOS'
The following build commands failed:
MkDir /Library/Application\ Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Test.aaxplugin/Contents/Resources
MkDir /Library/Application\ Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Test.aaxplugin/Contents/MacOS
(2 failures)
Compiling finished. Cleaning up... -
I'm running latest HISE-develop plugin within Reaper.
You need admin rights to write to this directory. Make sure your user has the privilege.
Try to create a folder within this directory from the Finder.
@christoph-hart It appears that my account does have admin rights, and I'm able to create a folder within the Application Support folder.
@Christoph-Hart I've gotten a little closer, but not working yet. I've created a root account which gets me closer but I'm still encountering errors.
Build command Ld fails.** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: Ld /Library/Application\ Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/test.aaxplugin/Contents/MacOS/test normal x86_64 (1 failure) Compiling finished. Cleaning up... logout -n Saving session... -ne ...copying shared history... -ne ...saving history... -n truncating history files... -ne ... completed. [Process completed]
@dustbro maybe you can use chmod to change permissions on that folder? Via terminal
Have you tried compiling the project from within XCode? Maybe the command line call messes up the permissions.
@hisefilo Gonna try that now.
@Christoph-Hart Compiling directly in Xcode:
Finally figured out the problem. My Project Name had spaces in it. Apparently Macs don't like that? I removed the spaces and all worked as expected.