Solved Pitch Modulation, LFO Modulator - Choose semitone value
I would like to understand how to allow the user to control the semitones in the pitch modulation.
This is probably the stupidest question asked on this forum but I'm wasting too much time not to ask you.
I can't find it here:
...and I can't find it here either
@Mighty23 setIntensity
@d-healey Thanks, efficient as always
const var LFOModulator1 = Synth.getModulator("LFO Modulator1"); inline function onknbPitchSemitonesControl(component, value) { LFOModulator1.setIntensity(value); }; Content.getComponent("knbPitchSemitones").setControlCallback(onknbPitchSemitonesControl);